The Lazarus Papers
The Lazarus Papers
R | 01 January 2010 (USA)
The Lazarus Papers Trailers

Lonny Smith, a young man with a suitcase full of money, who might drop dead at any moment is searching for love with each dying breath even if he has to pay for it...

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
b9713961 If you were expecting an action packed thriller having picked this up based on the title, star names, or cover art, then you will be disappointed. It is essentially a supernatural drama, with only brief moments of action. The helicopters on the DVD cover art, do not in-fact appear in the film.It is refreshing to see Daniels take on a more prominent speaking role (which he does well), but would also be rewarding to see him kicking more ass in this film. Trejo adds an element of enigmatic charisma, but too many unresolved details surround the character for it to play out with satisfaction.Johnny Lee's acting is excellent and he carries the film's intrigue well. He is unfortunately let down by his on-screen counter-part, Krystal Vee, who's erratic and inconsistent delivery fumble the opportunities the script had to shine.Though well directed, and with some excellent cinematography, this film is ultimately let down by a slightly bizarre performance from the lead actress, and lack of action for the aficionados.
filmman3000 Do not expect an action starring Gary Daniels and a Machete like Danny Trejo!!!!The movie technically deserves a 7 to 8 in my opinion, but recently boosted it to 10 because I don't think it deserves a rating below 4.The first thing I have to say is that the cover of the DVD is wrong... With this artwork you expect an action film with Danny Trejo and Gary Daniels... It's in fact a Supernatural thriller staring new comer Krystal Vee.I think the distributor is cashing on the Machete fame of Trejo and the action fan base of Daniels. So don't expect this style of film or you will be disappointed.If you are a fan of these actors you will get them in a new light. Trejo is a magical healer and Daniels is a hardcore villain.I really liked this movie. It was fun and different. The movie starts with a genocide in a tribal village where Danny Trejo is a magical healer. We follow this tribe girl (Vee) who gets captured from her village to be a prostitute in a dark moody city by a sadistic pimp played by Gary Daniels.The Trejo character, who survived in an unusual way, is haunted by the ghosts of the past. The tribe girl will eventually betray the Gary Daniels character and escapes with the money he had planned to steal from a rich customer.I wont say anything else from there.The movie tries hard to send a message, and do something different. Succeeding in uneven ways.Finally, it's a very entertaining film with a good pace.
mrc303 After the first part of this movie, I wanted to turn it off due to its dark depressing matter. However, the movie takes you into a very dark place in order to set the stage for the redemption that the female lead makes at the end.I won't deny that this movie is flawed at nearly every level, its cinematography being the one redeeming value, but the lead actress does grow on you and at the end of the movie you feel as though you have been on a journey with her. A little more than half-way through the movie you begin to see that the tone is moving from the darkness into a story of redemption and a lesson that love conquers fear. The movie was courageous in that it took you deeper into despair in the beginning and held you there longer than most movies will dare, and I admit I turned it off in the middle and came back to finish it the next day. The end leaves you feeling good, providing you don't feel like you wasted your time watching it, which I don't.So if you like movies with a heart-felt message that love is the path to healing, and you haven't got anything better to do, this movie will suffice. If you don't care about that subject matter, and you want to critique the movie based on its writing, directing, editing and acting, I would say pass it up.I am interested to see how this writer/director does on his next film, which is currently in pre-production according to IMDb.
rightwingisevil Wow, another drive you crazy DVD rental that wants you to pick up in the video stores and cheat you to waste several $s and a section of your lifetime that you could never get back. The screenplay is so stupid and ridiculous. The Latino actor who played in the "Machete" has become so popular and he's so smart to cash in while he's still hot or lukewarm. This time, he played a tribal magician who could heal the blind and could see his massacred tribal people.... Give me a break.I simply couldn't find any excuse to watch along after 20 minutes. The scenario is so stupid and the acting...!? The reason why I still want to write a review is because I consider myself a good Samaritan, I don't want you to waste your hard earned money to waste on this pathetic movie.