The Last Seven
The Last Seven
| 24 August 2010 (USA)
The Last Seven Trailers

Seven strangers wake up on the deserted streets of London with no knowledge of how they got there. Before long someone -or something - is picking them off, one by one....

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Red Death This is one of those movies where you are drawn in by an intriguing concept, slowly making you wonder how it all fits together. It then proceeds to annoy you by failing to deliver on it's premise, which soon wears thin. Confusingly marketed as post apocalyptic, this movie quickly grows dull as soon as a man walks around the empty streets of London for fifteen minutes before anything happens. The seven people don't meet up until halfway through the film, by which I had lost all interest.It got worse when the 18 rating seemed to promise many startling, gory moments, yet nothing in the film comes close. It fails to be scary when it should, with only a few scenes being even remotely tense. What I was led to expect was a terrifying post apocalyptic horror with suspense elements, yet what I got was one of the most half assed efforts in recent movie history. This is only made worse when the demonic presence hunting the seven is actually an angel taking them into the afterlife, which removes any intensity the movie had to begin with. The worst part was that even after all of the story is connected, much is left that doesn't make sense. This is made worse still by unnecessary religious imagery that does nothing to advance the already nearly nonexistent plot. It does keep a nicely creepy atmosphere, yet too little happens for this to remain effective.In all, The Last Seven is a boring, confusing movie lacking decent plotting, acting, gore effects and scares, ruining an amazing premise with inept direction and a nonsensical script. This does get a 3 because it does have a few genuinely tense scenes and a story that makes you feel great to be able to piece together. Another strength is that despite it's post apocalyptic premise, it doesn't go for the obvious and predictable. Maybe, one day, this premise could be made into something worthwhile. Overall, it isn't the worst thing ever made, but considering the cast, premise and ideas behind it, it should have been much better.Also, this movie should have been 15, or 12 without language. Nothing in here is really harsh or violent.
Seth_Rogue_One Well okay that's sort of a lie, he is in it for one whole scene + random clips of him popping up for a second or two spread out through the movie.He doesn't have any actual dialogue though, but he does some vocal narrating with some "words of wisdom" in the beginning and the end.So yeah if you're expecting a Danny Dyer movie you will be in for a letdown.But tbh you'll be in for a letdown no matter what cause this simply is a crap piece of a movie.The trailer made it look like a action postapocalyptic movie like The Book Of Eli or whatever, but there's really no action in this movie at all.And the characters are onedimensional and annoying even.It's not even funny bad it's just depressing bad and boring and just bleh.
shepardinio I signed up to IMDb just to leave a comment about this was so bad i borrowed a friends hammer to smash my eyes in...the lack of the usual hassan/dyer phrases and words such as tit, slag and caaaant was an even greater was so bad that i'd rather drag my balls through a mile of broken glass in order to press the button that napalms a vietnamese orphanage.If i am forced to watch this again...I will...Hunt you down...And kick u in the nuts!!!That is all
drklabs Yes Definitely all people worked for this movie must retired and go home ,i hope this was the last movie of them ,no more please thank you its enough , everything and i mean everything it was awful , stupid clichés , stupid plot , cast for a "last of the vampires" movie not for this one musical score for dummies and a sirens of a car alarm what a surprise and we got a movie here.Also the worst of all an army officer in cameo suit peeing for at least 20 min of the movie into a garbage box and then he is hearing some voices "Buhuuuuuuuuu" and " wuaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh"brrrrr so scary and while all people believed that it was a virus or something like "28 days later" then director said "noooo this was in another movie it reminds me something" lets make it different we ll say this was the underworld London or the paradise or heaven London or whatever but this will not convince no one , because GOD DOES NOT TAKING SOULS INTO TAVERNS OR RESTAURANTS this was the most ridiculous part of the movie.Yes this movie really S U C K S. Watch it at your risk.