The Last Request
The Last Request
| 16 May 2006 (USA)
The Last Request Trailers

Pop's last request is for his sons to continue the family name. When his brother dies trying, Jeff leaves the seminary and encounters crazy women and odd ball characters.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
seelyoh I have seen this movie. It is awful. The only way this thing could possible have 10 star reviews is by the film maker family and friends doing them.This movie is unwatchable, it is horrible. The acting is okay, but the story itself, and the writing, are unbelievably, excruciatingly bad.I rented this piece of crap due to its 2 5-star reviews in Amazon. Figured it was worth a shot for a Friday movie night with friends. No. It was not. 5 people watched. The reactions to said movie ranged from really stupid and boring to absolutely horrible.I do not understand how they managed to bet a fairly good cast together for this. Were there blackmail photo's lying around? Were favors owed?
barbadosdagny I only have one comment to add that won't duplicate what all the other reviewers have said (which I totally agree with): you've seen lots of movies with different dates from Hell, right? Well I'll bet you'll drop your popcorn (inside joke) you will laugh so hard at the characters and scenes this outstanding writer / director has written for the title character's attempts to honer his dying dad's last request and the hysterical roll on the floor laughter at the exquisite comedy timing of all the players. The writer / director totally outdid anything you've ever seen before. Almost all of the other reviewers mentioned similarity to the early, funny Woody Allen. I disagree. I say he is the new Woody Allen! And I can't wait to see what he does next! What a supreme pleasure to see an ensemble cast of experienced actors / actresses come together under the guidance of a brilliant writer / director and just knock it out of the park with apparently little budget and time (it only took 19 days to film?!) to work with. Bravo to all!
V. Mar I rented this film on the advice of a friend, who usually makes me regret listening to him. Not this time. Maybe it was the mood I was in but it just plain made me laugh. It started out crazy and ended nicely, maybe a little too cute.The lines were great. Danny Aiello delivered them with the timing of an old Catskill comic. T.R. Knight played the son. My friend didn't even tell me he was in it. I found out when I got the box. TR played the nerdy loser in away that he wasn't so much nerdy but just had a continual run of bad luck. It was great to see Barbara Feldon again. She looks great and still has the impeccable timing she had on Get Smart. She delivers material effortlessly and maybe that's why she can make the absurd work so well.It's strange Indy film, stranger than most in that it's in part very commercial, but yet at the same time off beat enough that you wouldn't think it would be. I can see this film getting more recognition as the years go bye. It's a winner and for once my friend was right.
sfurer-1 This writer/director, John Debellis, reminds me of Woody Allen in the early years. It's hard to believe that this is somebody's first film! And how did he get all the well known actors to do the production as a relatively unknown in the film community? I thought Mario Cantone was perfectly cast and it was wonderful to see T.R Knight on the big screen- and this was before joining Greys Anatomy! I guess the director spotted this talent before the networks ha ha. I loved the Godmother scene- the actress was amazing and it was directed very well...I recently read that the film won best director at a film festival in Italy. The Jiffy Pop birth scene was like vintage Woody- this writer has an incredibly offbeat imagination! Barbara Feldon was wonderful- hysterically neurotic! Great to see one of the Sopranos guys, Vincent Pastore as a priest- one of my favorite scenes!Great story and I thought that the DP did an absolutely incredible job. I look forward to seeing more films by Debellis. I'm shocked that it's not in theatres!