The Last Cowboy
The Last Cowboy
| 17 January 2003 (USA)
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John William 'Will' Cooper is a modern-day rancher, maintaining his ranch in hard times along with his friend and foreman Amos Russell. When Will's estranged daughter Jake returns to the ranch for her grandfather's funeral, father and daughter clash over how to run the ranch and over the death years before of Jake's mother, which she blames on Will. Crisis comes in the form of insurmountable debt, and it is only by working together that Will and Jake have any chance of saving their home and their family.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
magnusfredberg A great film about how the relationship between daughter and father were poor and when the daughter of Jake comes home at mother's death ..On how to solve the problem of the legacy you see how hard her father worked to get the farm to pay off .. Even the foreman on the farm helping with mediation and how all three struggling and Jake finally find a solution to the problem ..A deep interesting film that does not fall into the usual mundane pattern .... A masterpiece without Jennie Garth fantastic acting had been hard to get it to fit so perfectly ..I really hope you make an effort to se this fantastic Movie..
Gary M. James I watched the TV movie The Last Cowboy with very few expectations and ended up unimpressed.It is the usual stressful father/daughter relationship who find out that the need to come together through the tough circumstances, including the loss of his wife and her mother and the possible loss of his farm. Lance Henriksen (The Right Stuff, Millennium) and 90210 alum Jennie Garth play the bickering father and daughter. They do as good a job as the material given to them.The actor who really impressed me was M.C. Gainey. Playing the farm foreman and friend of Henriksen's character and a middleman between the father and daughter, it was nice to see Gainey in a role where he is basically a nice guy. Because of his physical presence, he typically plays gruff, villainous rednecks, bikers or criminals. Sometimes they are all the same character. His appearances in movies like Con Air and Breakdown and his role in "The Last Cowboy" shows that Gainey can play different types of roles and do it well when casting directors give him a chance.
johnnysure1 Grumpy farm guy wants to keep his land, and the money folk trying to take it are all treated as reprehensibly greedy slickers (even though the money people are behaving reasonably and the farm guy is belligerent, violent, and unreasonable). Just once, it would be nice to see one of these movies where the hero is the banker... just trying to do his job and even help the farm guy, while the farm guy is recognized as an intractable jerk (No disrespect to the farming community, it's just that the banking community has had to endure such a beating from these sorts of films, that it would only be fair turnabout!) That said, this film is pretty solid for the genre. While the countryside bears more resemblance to California than Texas, it's still pretty and beautifully shot. By contrasting the three leads' different approaches, the movie actually addresses the fundamental flaw in these movies. The heroine wants to update her father's farming practices, while he is married to tradition. And I may not be a Hallmark Channel kind of guy, but it nice to see a project that is morally clean without totally whitewashing its issues.The production's greatest strength, though, is the casting of Jennie Garth, Lance Henriksen, and M.C. Gainey. Fine actors all; it's nice to see them cast in roles with the complexity that thespians of their talent deserve. And they all look halfway plausible with the horseriding, as well.All in all, I wouldn't watch it again, but it certainly is better than a lot of the stuff you might run across on the Hallmark Channel.
Rod Morgan Jennie Garth has a grudge against her father (Lance Henriksen), but comes back home to attend her mother's father's funeral. When she inherits part of the family ranch, she must make peace with Dad if they are to ward off the debts and developers trying to take their land.Formula stuff, but played well by a terrific cast, especially Henricksen, M. C. Gainey with a show-stealing turn as a laid-back ranch hand and "Alias" sidekick Bradley Cooper. Garth is better than I've ever seen her and rides a horse credibly.If this is what Hallmark is going to do with their TV network, it could make up for the "Touched By an Angel" reruns.