The Last Confederate: The Story of Robert Adams
The Last Confederate: The Story of Robert Adams
| 15 July 2005 (USA)
The Last Confederate: The Story of Robert Adams Trailers

Amid the bitter divisiveness of the Civil War, Confederate Capt. Robert Adams (Julian Adams) feels the rift within his soul. Steadfastly loyal to the South, Adams also holds an unshakable love for his Northerner wife, Eveline McCord (Gwendolyn Edwards). Based on the true story of Robert Adams and produced by his descendents, this stirring historical drama -- a film festival favorite -- delves into the themes of honor, patriotism and love.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
mgrisim I saw a few good comments on this and thought I'd give it a try. What a mistake. The movie started with a flashback within a flashback within a flashback, and just got worse from there. The outfits were unauthentic and looked like inexpensive costumes, the speech too modern sounding, the acting awkward, and the transition from scene to scene choppy. A crucial rule for me is that to enjoy a movie, I have to be able to get lost in the movie. When I can't get through two scenes without being shocked by mismatched outfits, speech, or photography, the movie won't get a good rating from me. Call me picky, or maybe it's just that I've seen enough movies to know what's expected in a historic movie.
sfp-1 Because of my sympathy for the Cause, and a glowing review I had read elsewhere, I was prepared to love this movie, but I can't. I can recommend it, but with the following qualifications: It is a good story, but not well told. The principal problem is the story is chopped up into numerous flashbacks, to the point where the "unity of time" is lost. Not only is this mildly confusing at times, but it prevents the full power of the story from developing.The acting is average at best. The script, surprisingly, does not seem to have much room for a wide range of emotions, but rather most scenes are executed with the same solemn sincerity. I wasn't yawning, but I was surprised by the lack of vitality in some scenes that really called for it.The cinematography was very fine. The story was not greatly partisan; it could have made much more of Union Army atrocities against Southern civilians, but took the high road and chose to illustrate, but not dwell on them. It leaves me with a strong sense of the tragedy that was the War, and I think and hope that was one of the makers' main intentions. So it is successful on some levels.
bkz2457 OK, first and foremost i like good "realistic" war films, secondly i like films even better if they are based on fact. This was both, and a bonus to both of those critical points is the lead role, who is a descendant of the "historical" character who is the main focus of the film. My wife enjoyed the film too, hard to find a film both of you can watch knowing there's going to be some bloodshed mixed in with a love story, but it works and it works well. Its hard to tell at times this is not a big budget film, but reading about it elsewhere you know its not and you can appreciate it even more. You can see there's a lot of personal effort gone into getting this film made. You see so many people on here saying "well thats 90 minutes of my life wasted" well this is just the opposite, i wish it had been longer, you get a great insight into some real peoples lives during the civil war, and the authentic backdrops and locations just add to its quality.
lk-40 Strike the Tent is a beautifully shot film that captures the external and internal conflict of the civil war and a families history of the period. Julian Adams shows strong acting ability in portraying the story of his family and the tough choices that have to be made for love and country.I enjoyed the pace of the movie and have to comment again on the impressive cinematography. I can't tell but if this was shot digitally and transfered kudos to the production team in the final print. The story tells how true love overcomes all obstacles in its way. The film effectively captures a country split ideologically, socially and geographically and the plight of South Carolinians protecting their home and lands from the onslaught of war, illness and tyranny. It depicts the weary soldiers seeking not only victory but revenge and the plunders of war. Tragic in its honest depiction of the sacrifices both armies and families had to endure. In the end, the love that is all but impossible is the only thing that will never die in this historical memoir. Thanks again for sharing this remarkable story of your family. I look forward to seeing the film again once it is released on DVD. I enjoyed this first effort and look forward to other projects from these promising film makers.