The Lady Vanishes
The Lady Vanishes
| 17 March 2013 (USA)

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Young socialite Iris Carr befriends an older woman while traveling solo by train. When Iris wakes from a nap, the woman is gone and other passengers claim she never existed.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Prismark10 This BBC remake of The Lady Vanishes reverts to the source novel, The Wheel Spins rather than the Hitchcock film from 1938.Iris Carr (Tuppence Middleton) is a self centred young socialite in the Balkans of the 1930s. Returning back to England by train she strikes up a conversation with an English governess Miss Froy and later alarmed by the mysterious disappearance of her. However no one else in the train remembers seeing Miss Froy, Iris thinks that some of the passengers may have a motive to lie.Luckily for her a handsome Englishman, Max Hare (Tom Hughes) comes to her aid and also lend some romance.The film was trailed as a dashing mystery adventure with romance. It actually came across as rather dull and creaky. The reason being the book it was based on probably is not that good hence why the Hitchcock film added certain plot elements and the comedic characters Charters and Caldicott.This film is actually rather flat, hampered by the lack of suspense and mystery.
petervintner (Contains a couple character development spoilers)I'm perplexed by all the negative reviews here. I liked this very much. It's very good film, beautifully written, filmed and acted in gorgeous locations and on realistic sets. And Tuppence Middleton is excellent and believable in the leading role. In fact I liked her character from the start. Iris is a complex character whose story is revealed slowly - she has no family, she knows she is usually selfish (because that's the nature of the company she usually keeps), but she can empathise with Mrs Froy, and this is because she lost her own family when she was very young in the 1918 flu epidemic. I'd say the dialogue and plot development were very well done. And it's a great cast. It kept my interest throughout, and I'd happily watch it again.Maybe part of the problem some people are having is in the title, leading viewers to expect something akin to the Hitchcock movie (which my wife tells me is a parody rather than an adaptation of the original story). I haven't seen the Hitchcock movie anyway so I had no such expectations. I've seen some criticism of the audibility of the dialogue, and I just don't think it's valid. I could hear it all just fine and without the benefit of subtitles.This is a fine movie and an excellent adaptation of the original story, and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to any one anyone who likes period drama thrillers.
michelesofaraway I'm writing this review because I really enjoyed this remake of "The Lady Vanishes" When I looked it up on IMB it had a low rating and not very kind reviews,after watching it i wanted to let others know Its very good. British TV at its best with an excellent performance from Tuppence Middleton as the socialite Ms Carr and the wonderful Tom Hughes. The Vicar and his wife were also very convincing and very real performers. This is my favorite period in history, just before the war, the clothes are wonderful with the young people rich and glamorous seemingly having it all with there frivolous fun filled holiday in Italy, with the other hotel members frowning on there loose morals, Ms Carr the rudest of them. This is all very well set up as the train journey begins the story twists and turns with everyone playing there part so well as the suspense is building. Its a top notch remake of a great story with the best ending! Very well done by all the actors involved.
Adams5905 My God this was so awful, I barely know where to start!..This was a period piece, and yet some of the dialogue was pure 21st century 'smart-speak'. People did not feel 'empathy' in pre-war Britain (and would certainly never had admitted feeling such to strangers if they had). The scriptwriters seem to have forgotten the separate meanings and contextual uses of 'will' and 'shall', and the accents were Estuarine in the extreme. There was far too much breathless 'gushing' by our heroine (who ever thought to cast Middleton in this role anyway?.. She hasn't the screen presence nor the ability to convey any sort of emotion other than a rather hollow & supercilious haughtiness), and Tom Hughes (Max Hare) simply carried on where he left off in 'Dancing on the Edge'...The only characters with any sort of screen credulity were the Reverend and his wife, and even they had to be given a paper-thin sideplot to flesh out their presence...Rhind-Tutt was completely wasted, and even Stephanie Cole's attempts at caustic wit were cheap and shallow...Where was the menacing threat of Hitchcock's original?..The whole thing reeked of hurried, seedy amateurism...I thought the 1979 remake with Gould and Shepherd was bad, but even that production had some saving graces (remember Arthur Lowe & Ian Carmichael as the two cricket-mad Englishmen). The main question is why bother making it at all?.. A shabby remake, poorly thrown together, with a second-no, make that a third-rate cast.