The Jammed
The Jammed
| 01 January 2007 (USA)
The Jammed Trailers

A young Australian woman reluctantly agrees to help a Chinese mother search for her missing daughter and becomes involved in human trafficking and the sex slave trade.

Micitype Pretty Good
PodBill Just what I expected
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
ghosthardware This film wasn't the most skillfully crafted piece I've ever seen but it did have some effective moments. I was most impressed by the actors that played the 3 girls in the sex trade. Their performances were strong and I felt they did well in portraying the fear and despair of young women being forced into prostitution. Having said that, I wish the filmmakers had spent more time developing the story. With such genuine performances coming from the women in this film, by the time the film had ended, I felt like the film itself didnt quite do their performances justice.One issue I have with this film is how rushed it feels. Some scenes felt like they could have been better developed, while others felt like they were drawn out for way too long. Yes, forced prostitution is horrific and the sights and sounds that come along with such a scene are horrific as well. That doesn't mean that I need such scenes drawn out for maximum impact. And I certainly don't need to see some John's ugly schlong after he's done having his way with one of the characters. Because some scenes and plot points were barely developed, I was disappointed when the ending came with little fanfare. Or information. One girls fate reveals itself about 3/4 of the way through the film. The second girl is last seen in an Australian prison. And the third disappears into the night, waving and smiling at her savior as you hear the click of her heels getting further and further away. And then BOOM. A short footnote saying that some sex trade workers died in a detention facility in Australia. THE END. Uhhhh... wut?While I realize that not every story will have tidy answers at the end, this particular story could have still offered its subjects a little more dignity than a vague epilogue. I was also disappointed in the performance of our protagonist, played by Veronica Sywak. I really didn't connect with her in any way and at times, found her character to be a bit insufferable. I'm not sure if this is the actor's doing or the script, but I felt Emma Lung, Saskia Burmeister and Sun Park were the true stars here. They did their best with what they were given and definitely outshone Sywak (to the previous reviewer who criticized the asian actors and gushed over Sywak, I think you need to take your white glasses off).Overall, this is worth a watch. Its uneven and ends abruptly but I found the actors performances of the trafficked girls to be quite good. It's too bad that the inconsistencies result in the girls stories being essentially unexplored. This is a shame because ultimately, this film ends up passing right over them, showing their pain in great detail but nothing about who they are, their journey, their stories. Much in the same way that the sex trade robs women of their power and identities, this film did the same by portraying these women as merely victims.
videorama-759-859391 Low budget movie, yes it is, almost nonexistent in the couple of years that followed it's making. Sex slave films are a dime a dozen these days. So many of em' tackle the subject, even more so in the last couple of years, where we'd had some that mirror others. The vibe I picked up off The Jammed, a movie that really does try, was a real struggle in getting it made, where the low budged aura here is painfully patent. There are some painfully heartbreaking sad scenes and some intoxicating and scary moments, in a well made and quite dramatic film. The two best performances here, is that of Emma Lung, as the main slave who just makes us feel so much compassion for her wronged, throw in the two hard basket, predicament. The cards are really stacked against this poor lass. Her agony, and her emotions like sadness, shock, are so heartbreaking and convincingly real, it's truly unsettling, some moments pretty hard to bare, thanks to her great acting, where I was encapsulated by her performance. The other excellent performance lies in Saskia Burmeister who plays the rebellious, Russian immigrant and wild pro, just what the film calls for. She's darn bloody sexy too, scoring most of the clients. Like Pulp Fiction, and other type films, the film starts at the end with Lung, who's just gone through so much hell, now in customs, after earlier in the story of the film, being saved by a social worker. Here, her savior seems to no avail, when you see what Lung goes through in the interrogation which to be honest, made me sickeningly angry. The social worked played by an actress that much resembles Belinda Mcclory from Redball, is implored by an Asian woman to track down her daughter, the other pro in the new trio who are being transported down to Melbourne. The pimps whatever, are as despicable as we imagined, which it was good to see the main one towards the end of the film, take a knifing. One of the younger acquaintances actually has a heart, and a soft spot for the more introverted pro, the daughter of the searching mother. The clients in this too, are not all made out to be bastards, either. The Jammed is a quite a compelling drama, worth a look, yes but is more fittingly suited to more discreet cinema, as it has more straight to video appeal. The film, about an all too common trade, makes for an effective drama though, where for Lung, it's an all too real painfully revolving door.
rasberry_blossom This movie, is about the ongoing sex slave trade that is happening in Australia at the moment. It leaves no door barred, and shows the true horror of what happens to these girls once on Australian soil. Filmed in Melbourne, it gives us a good and clear insight on the dark underbelly of the city. Emma Lung, was absolutely brilliant in this movie. As was Sun Park. Veronica Sywak, was pretty good. Saskia Burmeister was completely excellent. This movie was hard going from the beginning and these four actresses filled out the characters' roles more than necessary.That said, the direction, pacing of the film was right in there. I couldn't find a single fault with this movie.
patdownunder43 Wow! This is a thriller in every sense of the word.With its realism coming from its being based on actual events and some wonderful performances from top young Australian actors, it conveys a very important message about one of the most dreadful crimes afflicting modern societies. All of this while enthralling the audience with a gripping yarn. A current member of Australia's House of Representatives congratulated the Writer/Director and told her staff that this film should be compulsory viewing for all of them. I was fortunate to be at a viewing for representatives from prospective distributors and heard many favourable comments including, "This is the best Aussie film I've seen." Actors include Emma Lung and Saskia Burmeister who recently received awards at the 2006 AFI Awards Ceremony.Highly recommended!
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