The Jackhammer Massacre
The Jackhammer Massacre
| 16 January 2004 (USA)
The Jackhammer Massacre Trailers

Jack Magnus is a successful businessman who periodically does drugs with his best friend Mike. When Mike takes some bad stuff, Jack panics and leaves him to die. His guilt eventually causes him to become a full fledged, utterly pathetic junkie. After being force fed a particularly nasty brew by a vindictive supplier, Jack seems to only grow stronger, surviving the ordeal and living on to become a crazed jackhammer killer. He's now utterly paranoid, believing that everybody is out to get him, with his paranoia manifested in visions of his dead friend.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
3-D There is not one thing about this movie that is good.The first half of the movie focuses on this guy shooting up, and hanging out with half-naked men. The guy's friend overdoses and dies, causing him to continue his downward spiral into street drugs which completely turns him into a junkie.Suddenly, the junkie starts to hallucinate, and see his dead friend (who is still half-naked, even as a mirage) who tells him to kill people. The junkie obliges, and starts to murder random people who come into the business (that looks more like an abandoned warehouse) where he is working, since everybody in town somehow has a key to the front door.Despite the jackhammer being attached to an extension cord, the junkie is still able to chase people and kill them, easily. And, for some reason, when he is injected with what looks like radioactive waste, it actually gives him superpowers, and he regains all his stamina and is able to jump onto rooftops from the ground (after falling off of them).The acting is atrocious, the story is incredibly boring, the make-up was crappy, the dialogue was terrible, etc. basically, just everything about this movie was complete garbage.And, seriously, what was up with all of the half-naked men? I think every male character stripped for absolutely no reason at all. I'm glad they all got killed by a super-powered, jackhammer-wielding drug addict.
tia_bowens This movie was awful. But..amazing, at the same time.Okay, what the hell was that thing on his arm? It looked like a scrotum to me. And he had to like drain it and feed it? Was that why he was crazy? Or what? So confused.And his jackhammer's extension cord went on FOREVER FOREVER and FOREVER! Hell, he even chased a girl up onto the roof with it! How does that work? Oh my...he freakin' sodomized a lesbian with his jackhammer! Now, if that doesn't defy everything,I don't know what else does.Oh well.I am in love with some of things in this film though. Like in the beginning when he kills his first victim, and his face gets smashed in with the jackhammer...oh my.This movie just made me laugh hysterically.
MakoSucks I rented Jackhammer Massacre, after hearing the first half was good. I would give it a chance since i heard there were a few good gore scenes, and Rachel Rotten and Her only other partner in a sex scene, Rob Rotten were in this. I figured well if this movie is a total waste of time at least there's going to be a sex scene with a hot girl in this movie. God was I wrong. It starts in the middle of the story for some reason,In some kind of construction company warehouse, with Jack the junkie, the "Jason" of this "movie," getting pushed around by some pushers, and injected with some PCP/crack hypodermic in an attempt to kill Jack but instead its suggested that it makes him insanely stronger and insanely insane. Well Jack wakes up and kills one of them with.....A JACKHAMMER! Woah didn't see that coming.Now this first gore scene was possibly the third best effect in the movie. They pull this Jackhammering off with a fake jackhammer being jiggled around in the pushers mouth, while he spits out some blood, a cut to Jacks smiling face, back to the Jackhammer which is being shaken by Jack into a fake smashed head. That was pretty cheesy. It is so ridiculous it was funny. But after that its all downhill from there.The story goes back 3 years or so which shows how Jack becomes a junkie, where you see a topless Rachel Rotten, and thats it. I was sadly disappointed at this point, as the deciding factor for me renting this move, of a sex scene was non existent. I saw pics of her topless in this movie around the net, so I figured sex scene, but they just added in the boob shot, just so they can have a boob shot. they could of saved money and used an extra instead of a porn-star, and used that money for better effects, better actors, or a better script. Forward 1 year and then back to the jackhammer to the face scene. The rest of the movie, Id say 3 quarters of it takes place in that construction company building. Its more of a shack than a building. Anyways, Jack gets delusional and sees his friends ghost. he overdosed and Jack lets him die in the flashback scenes, so he wont get in trouble with the law. I read that this ghost pats Jack on the back every time he kills someone, which I thought was genius, but he just complains and commands Jack to kill. near the end of the movie some characters are introduced that you don't know crap about. They just come to the construction warehouse and they get killed. You are supposed to care about these people, but how can you when they just pop out of nowhere? So basically everyone gets killed except the girl of the group, and Jacks lesbian sister, who came to help jack, but got locked up in a closet after the ghost told Jack she was really "one of them". So during the "climax of the movie" Jack is about to kill the girl, his extension cord gets pulled out of the Jackhammer by somebody. Jack decides to "Choke the the bitch." his sister pops out and stabs jack in the back with the drill bit of the jackhammer. She then slaps him with the drill bit, and he falls of the building top, where the scene was taking place. The ghost tells Jack to get up after falling off a 3 story building. The 2 girls walk out of the building, and they see that jacks body is missing! OH NOS! camera does a close up of the girls faces, they scream. credits roll. That is an original, and unexpected ending.This movie is terrible in every aspect. The acting is terrible, the lines are read as if off from a cue card. The plot and story, are too broad that you have to use your imagination to fill in certain plot holes. The only slightly OK parts from this movie are the first jackhammer smash, a scene that suggests that Jack shoves his weapon up his lesbian sister's girlfriend's crack, which had no visual shot of this, but the idea was funny as hell. and a scene where Jack slams a guys face with the side of the jackhammer, and his brains pop out, but the way its pulled off is terrible. This movie has an OK concept which if elaborated upon, could of been a great movie. But it gets pulled off like a train wreck. Ignore this movie at all costs. You and your friends could get more entertainment out of making your own no budget movie than watching this load, which looks like it was make by a group of friends making a low budget movie.
CruelDesolation the movie is kinda weird with crappy acting and the basically the fist half hour is jack and some junkies shootin up or smoking. Then it gets interesting. Jack is a paranoid junkie who kills on drugs hes almost powered by drugs. He also uses his jack hammer to kill his victims. Some of his victims r friends and family. jack is basically trippin the whole movie, making up some crazy paranoid story and killing anyone in his way.The Gore effects are pretty good ,some of the killings look great. Some other things to notice in the movie that catch out r, a scene where jack cleans out his shoot- up arm with poor equipment, a lesbo couple, Jacks dead Friend that talks to him and only Jack can if u like to see a movie about a tripped out homicidal confused junkie who kills people with a jackhammer, then its worth seeing.Overall i thought it was pretty good and original story. RATING: 6/10