The Insatiable
The Insatiable
PG-13 | 01 November 2006 (USA)
The Insatiable Trailers

A drab, run-of-the-mill guy witnesses a vampiress devour a bum and becomes so infatuated with her, he tracks her down and traps her in a basement so she can't kill again.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
kosmasp The movie just came out a couple of months ago in Germany. They retitled it "Kiss and Die". Go figure what and especially who makes those title changes. But what is more important, that the movie ain't half bad. If you like B-movies that is, because we don't get any new story elements or anything else out of it. There is a nice tweak here and there and it is nice to see Michael Biehn too. But overall the story and how it evolves is pretty predictable.Sean Patrick Flannery playing the main character is not the most likable guy out there. Or let's say not the one you can completely understand, even if he lays down his feelings (verbally). During the end credits there will be some footage. Though I'm not sure it is or will be what you expect it to be
absinthechinadoll The is only the second time I have bothered to post a comment on a movie here, although I am constantly prowling through IMDb for movie suggestions. So to make it clear - I collect vampire movies - all of them, regardless if they are horrible or not. I bought this movie for only two reasons: 1. Sean Patrick Flanery. I think I might have fallen in love with him when he was in Boondock Saints. His character in this movie is a FAR cry from one of the Boondock Saints...but he pulled it off and was convincing.2. It's a vampire movie. And like I said, even if it's horrible, I'll still add it to my collection.So besides those two points, I had no idea what I was buying. It turned out to be great!!! OK, it's definitely a B-movie budget, so don't go into it expecting tons of special effects. Javier, the co-worker, is annoying enough to throw the movie away. His character is the only reason I disliked the movie. However, he does get his in the end, which makes the whole thing worth it. And hey - what a nice change, that vampires don't get burned to a crisp by the sun in the end! Now THAT alone makes this movie worth it for me.
TdSmth5 The vampire genre has got the be most abused genre in movie making. Movie makers just have no clue about what to do with it. When was the last time anyone made a great vampire flick? The latest catastrophe is The Insatiable. Marketed as some erotic horror movie it turns out to be a dull comedic romance, which is neither funny nor romantic. There is a lot of the awful Tarantino-esquire self-conscious direction and (mis)use of music to make things lighthearted. The story centers around a depressed loner loser (bad idea #1) who witnesses a vampire crime. Seen as a crazy guy or perpetrator by the police he takes matters into his own hands going online in search of help. He finds a reluctant vampire hunter with whom he chats online for long times (bad idea #2, people typing on keyboards is never interesting in a movie). He sets out to kill the vampire but being unable to do so chooses to take her captive in a cage in his basement. So most of the action/ interaction will take place between the main characters talking in a basement (bad idea #3). This is a looong, boring, Z-budget movie but with good production values. It's "not rated" but if it were, it's rating would be PG-13. Don't expect a gore fest or lots of sex and nudity- that's just the marketing trick applied to the title. We are told the vampire is insatiable but we have to take the character's words for it because we see no evidence of it. There's one two-second sex-in-clothes scene. Only in American movies do people have sex while clothed. Pretty soon you notice that the story isn't going to go anywhere. The male lead is sympathetic and likable but overacted as is one of his coworkers who plays the funny jerk non-stop. What keeps this movie from being a complete narcotic is the vampire who is a beautiful girl. There's also an attractive neighbor. Pretty but underused girls. The script shows some signs of intelligence here and there. The ending is "good" but given that the rest of the movie is so bad and one has absolutely no hopes or expectations that things will improve, any ending where something, anything happens, would have been good. We are told this thing was filmed in Austin although the only evidence that it wasn't filmed in California is that the girls have gorgeous hair, unlike the lifeless hair of lazy California girls. I was thinking it was filmed in Canada since it's so good natured and dull. Why it takes two directors to film this is a mystery. Half a director could have done it on a weekend. The credits mention a 'behind the scenes' director. Funny, there are no Behind the Scenes in the Special Feautures. In fact there are no extras on this DVD. A shame, any additional screen time of the girls would could have helped. Stay away from this mess.
Vampirebear13 This movie is like a much better remake of Dance of The Damned. Idiots who don't like this movie,know absolutely nothing about vampire legend,lore,background or movies. Vampires are all about being sexy+lustful. Vampire movies are not about some "bad guy" running around killing people. If you want those kinda flicks,stick to Freddy+Jason. This film was very well done and really it's worst flaw is (like a lot of big studio films) poor casting. Sean Patrick Flannery is a capable actor but completely wrong for this flick. His part should have gone to someone like Jon Cryer,but,Sean's career isn't flourishing like Jon's. If want to see what's basically the original of this film,find Dance of The Damned. (It's a vampire love story anyway) It was later remade into To Sleep With a Vampire with Alyssa Milano+Scott Valentine... now that was a complete waste of film.