The Hunt for Gollum
The Hunt for Gollum
| 04 May 2009 (USA)
The Hunt for Gollum Trailers

A British fan film based on the appendices of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Set in Middle-earth, Strider must hunt down Gollum to keep the Ring secret.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
carl_patten I was immediately surprised by the quality of the production in this film. The detail in the finished production on such a miniscule budget is fantastic and an inspiration to amateur film makers out there. The sets and location choices are extremely well selected, and the top notch costumes does this film a lot of favours. The 3D digital visualisations were on the whole well composed and complimented the scenes well. I found there to be a good balance between digital and on-site shots as its easy to make the digital aspect too adventurous or severely underwhelming.The acting on the whole was largely very good despite the obvious comparisons that are going to be made against the trilogy's actors. Strider's portrayal was strong, and reflected the quieter, withdrawn Aragorn from The Fellowship of the Ring almost perfectly (I just wish he didn't have Elijah/Frodos eyes).The choreography of the fight scenes was one thing that really made me smile in this film. At the build up to the fights I thought this may be an area that would let the film down but I couldn't have been any more wrong. I truly felt the choreography was up there with that of Peter Jackson's productions and the acting of some of the orcs may even surpass some of those in the trilogy.One area i do feel that did let the film down was the plot. Having been so strong in every other aspect of the film, the film did not really take off. I had expected some sort of twist or glimpse of originality in the story but none came which was a shame as the quality of the film continuously raised my expectations with the passing of scenes but was very predictable throughout. Had as much thought gone into the plot as the rest of the film this would be a definite 10/10. I would however recommend watching this film for its production quality and shows that low budget films can be produced to outstanding levels with sufficient thought and care.Tolkien would be proud.
the_hitman-614-405126 I believe in America the meaning of the English phrase 'pound for pound' translates. It basically means how good something is for how much it is, the term was coined for boxers, whom may have not been the biggest, may have been 'pound for pound' better than their adversaries. I think this is what you have here. The two main criticisms for this film is the Directing style, and lack of plot. In response to this, there are two points: firstly it is my belief that the film was intended to be in the time of the lord of the rings, and was made to show a chunk of the books that was left out. This chunk out of the many left out was more than likely chosen as it was cheap to do, and fairly simple. One cannot argue that there is no plot, because frankly, the plot is in the films as a whole, this is a very very small section of them, and you cannot judge it in isolation.Secondly, the directing style? This is obvious, It was shot the same way to avoid people attempting to choose which method is better, and because frankly, the Lord of the Rings did not have a huge budget itself for the size of the operation and Peter Jackson has some shiny Golden Figurines in his Cabinet to the contrary of what some peoples opinions are.I think this is a very very good film for what it is, its made considerably better than most television shows, the acting is good, the feel is very Lord of the Rings, and I think Tolkien himself would be proud the way that amateurs are giving life to his work very accurate to his writings.And for the less learned, the film had a budget of £3000, which is just under $5000.
el_monty_BCN I'm sure I will going to get a lot of negative votes from the fans for this comment, but after reading so many glowing reviews I feel I need to tell my truth. It's true that the visuals of the film are pretty impressive (at times, not all the time) for a no-budget short, and that the makers have made a mighty good attempt at reproducing the atmosphere of Jackson's movies at a tiny fraction of the cost; also, there is a notably well choreographed fight scene of Strider against the orcs; but once you get past all the shiny packaging, it's impossible not to notice that the plot is not just thin, but practically non-existent. There are absolutely no surprises, and in 40 minutes it hardly manages to go beyond its one-line synopsis. All the film seems to do is its own little riff on some of the characters of Jackson's trilogy without adding anything new or meaningful. It certainly serves as a good calling card for the director, but it left me with a feeling of... nothingness.
santelmo2000s This Aragorn looks more Celtic than the original. Less 'dirty' and less 'savage'. But he shows great acting skills. The female also looks very convincing. And lovely. What a great starting point for their future acting careers!This story could be included as the original first part of the known trilogy pretty well... It matches with most of the visual and historical parts of the three movies.In what money and pros respects, I guess that this shows that fans have always played an important part of these LOTR films.Congratulations! You've made it! Good for all of us!