The House Next Door
The House Next Door
| 30 October 2006 (USA)
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Walker Kennedy and his wife Col are a happy, voluntarily childless suburban couple. Then the thing they fear the most happens: part of their green surrounding is turned into a building site, for what turns out to be the widely acclaimed first house built by attractive, brilliant, obsessively devoted architect Kim (30), who has a short affair with Col. Kim is even enchanted by his own house, just like everyone else. However each subsequent couple that moves into the house soon turns nasty, never staying for long, ending in tears and/or blood. When Kim finally buys it with his wife, Col who believes he somehow curses all his buildings insists it's time to deal with him, permanently.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Leofwine_draca THE HOUSE NEXT DOOR is one dull TV movie. It's a simple story about a suburban housewife who lives next door to what might be the ultimate haunted house. A series of her neighbours living in this evil abode are subject to all manner of ill fortune and even death, and it's all something to do with the sinister architect who built it.Apparently this film was based on a novel so I can only imagine how horrendous that is. The main problem here is that the focus of the story isn't on the main characters at all but on the supporting characters who live next door. Thus the attempts at drama and human conflict are subdued. There's no real sense of resolution here, not even a real beginning, middle, or end, just continued nonsense.Frozen-faced Lara Flynn Boyle was a vibrant and even volatile screen presence in the 1990s so it's sad to see her hidden behind copious plastic surgery and reduced to starring in this kind of insipid TV movie fare that I thought they'd stopped making in the 1990s.
moviegoingcat It would help to know why it took so long for a book as movie-ready' as "The House Next Door" to be adapted for film or television. The book was copyrighted in 1978. One reason could be problems designing 'the house'. The house in this Lifetime film is really so ugly that I can't imagine anyone buying it. In fact it's so ugly that someone would probably have come and destroyed it as soon as it was built.I'm not crazy about horror genre books, but this one was hard to put down when I came across it around ten years ago. The main characters are not the kind of people to look for anything occult in life, and this is one of the book's strengths. They are not people who would conclude that the architect was some type of demon..(or the devil personified) without witnessing and analyzing the events described so well in the book. However, it is a downbeat book for the most part, and I don't think that appeals to the people who run Lifetime. Maybe someone will come up with another version of the book in years to come. A better house..better music..a better screenplay and darker lighting...would certainly help.
Sam_Owens I read the book a long time back and don't specifically remember the plot but do remember that I enjoyed it. Since I'm home sick on the couch it seemed like a good idea and Hey !! It is a Lifetime movie.The movie is populated with grade B actors and actresses.The female cast is right out of Desperate Housewives. I've never seen the show but there are lots of commercials for the show and I get the gist. Is there nothing original anymore? Sure, but not on Lifetime.The male cast are all fairly effeminate looking and acting but the girls need to have husbands I suppose.In one scene a female is struggling with a male, for her life, and what does she do??? Kicks him in the testicles. What else? Women love that but let me tell you girls something... It's not as easy as it's always made to look.It wasn't all bad. I did get the chills a time or two so I have to credit someone with that.
Lou Rugani After too many years of waiting, Anne Rivers Siddons' noted 1979 book "The House Next Door" has finally been filmed. The result veers a bit from the novel which, especially in the first story of the trilogy is understandable if unsatisfying as it's a TV film, the whole of which is absorbing and actually very good, just not as great as the book, one of Stephen King's favorites and one of mine as well.With more running time and fewer constraints as a theatrical release, all the richness inherent in the original three-part story of the ominous ultramodern house could have been explored and nurtured, especially the climactic revelation near the very end.Still, the whole cast does well in this thoughtful tale of mindless malevolence. There are a few unnecessary cheap shocks but the growing atmosphere of dread is well developed. Actually, one of the most disturbing scenes involves an abstract painting of the house by its next-door amateur-artist neighbor who is trying to visualize its corruption on canvas.Be sure to read the great novel.