The Hillz
The Hillz
R | 25 June 2004 (USA)
The Hillz Trailers

A promising college athlete takes a turn for the worse when he hooks up with old highschool friends during his summer break.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
PodBill Just what I expected
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
dantonstl very low budget film, not done as awesome as freaky deaky, definitely a little more realistic and performs like a HEATHERS. I have ten lines to put into this review, and recreating this film would be great. Paris is an awful actress and not too super hot in this film. The men are typical suburban white guys with anger issues and retribution plus payback throughout this film, its a regular vocabulary for pot heads and young adults, its a common emotion suppressed yet played out violently well in this film. I have yet to see BRICK, but I would compare this to a scanner darkly a little bit also. I will be looking forward to adding brick on my watchlist as I did the lazarus project. for some reason I haven't kept infatuated with some other films and they seemed to have dissappeard off my watchlist too.
Anders Twetman One thing I find to be very confusing about The Hillz is the choice of main characters. The introduction scene shows them harassing a store owner, and generally acting like jerks to more or less everyone around them. For a moment I thought this was a brilliant move on the part of the director, to portray these thugs in an honest way without turning them into heart-of-gold anti heroes. Turns out however, that these were supposed to be our protagonists, the guys we were supposed to root for, the director was simply unable to make them look even the least bit sympathetic. Another strange thing about this movie is how violent it is, how casually it deals with violence, and how little consequence there is to said violence. thug leader Duff goes around arbitrarily shooting people for no reason, without so much as a hint of emotion, and the police are nowhere to be scene. It could be a reflection on our society's blasé attitude to violence, but it is more likely he was just not able to portray violence in any serious way. When you get down to it, The Hillz is just a badly acted portrayal of a bunch of deeply unsympathetic characters (that goes for both protagonists and antagonists alike) engaging in some light-hearted random violence. How that is not more exciting is a mystery to me.
the_moody_youngest Now, listen. If you look at all of Paris's acting roles you will see, none of them got good ratings. But come on. Over half the people gave it a 1 because of Paris. Now button up and listen, she isn't a terrible actress. I didn't mind her in House of Wax, mainly because she didn't have a big role. But here, OUTSTANDING! Give yourself a pat on the back Paris. She was amazing as Heather Smith and I grew to enjoy watching her on screen. This movie is underrated. I mean a 2.4? More like maybe a 5.4. This movie was so good. Well acted, well written, and just GO Paris! Do your thing! I hate how much people hate her when she is not that bad, honestly.Check this film out. It is really outstanding and I loved it!
Hilary Fay LOL I give this movie an 8 out of 10 if you want something to laugh at. I bought The Hillz only because Paris Hilton was in it, although she didn't have a huge role. This is the funnest movie to watch if you are high. I wish the guys would stop picking on Ahkmel so much LOL, but that makes the movie funnier. I hope the writers were not planning something serious when they decided to make this movie. Come on, how could a bunch of spoiled rich brats from Beverly Hills decide to go around killing everybody without anyone noticing/caring??? The plot is so unrealistic, which adds to the humor. It is supposed to be a thriller, but I'd say it's definitely a comedy.I have made some of my friends watch it, and they all thought it was funny but incredibly stupid. HAHA LOVES IT!!!