The Haunted Sea
The Haunted Sea
| 01 January 1997 (USA)
The Haunted Sea Trailers

A mysterious ship is found adrift in mid-ocean without a crew. But this mystery is soon forgotten when Captain Ramsey, his two sexy first mates and the crew discover its precious cargo of ancient Aztec treasure. However, their joy quickly succumbs to greed, paranoia and fear, as they must battle the murderous creature which guards the accursed treasure.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Zbigniew_Krycsiwiki The sea isn't *haunted*, so much as it is inhabited by an abandoned ship home to a gassy-sounding, rubbery, dinosaur-looking creature who is supposed to be the feathered, winged serpent known as Quetzacoatl. Apparently, the filmmakers didn't do their homework on that one, because its physical description, as well as the spelling of its name, are incorrect herein. Eventually, a small crew board the ship and discover a crate filled with a curiously lightweight gold statue. Several times, top-heavy Krista Allen imagines herself jiggling and bouncing topless during some sort of sacrificial offering, before the statue shock/ possesses one of their number, who turns into a fanged, belching, slobbering demon, and rips them to shreds, eventually turning into what this film calls "Queztacoatl".Lengthy tracking shots during opening credits only serve to pad out the film's brief run time, as does Krista Allen's shower scene and plentiful nude scenes (I counted three in the first fifteen minutes) . Krista has a great body, but should either stick to doing porn, or at least get better screenplays to work with. The camera jiggles almost as much as her huge rack does, which makes it difficult to figure out what little is happening on-screen.The final shot is intended to be a shock twist ending, but it only made me groan. Furthermore, it is held for such a long time that any surprise which might have been is slowly driven away by boredom.
lordzedd-3 MAJOR SPOILERS! I hate to say this, speaking as a man and all. But there was way too much nudity in this film. This has got to be some kind of record for nudity in a non-porno flick. There has got to be twenty to thirty minutes just for nudity. The creature effects were okay, for a snakeman. But as per the norm with anyone connected to Roger Cormen, they don't do their "RESEARCH". If you want to talk about something as widely known as the Aztec Gods, you don't use your imagination, you go with the facts. Fact, Quetzalcoatl is the winged snake God, some versions have him with legs, but with wings, where are the wings? Second, they misspelled Quetzalcoatl. Look it up! Lastly, the acting was worse then some pornos in places and then comes the OTHER SHOE ENDING. Some might ask, what is the "Other shoe ending". It's this, the monster is dead, someone escapes alive. Then the other shoe drops turning a happy ending into a bad ending. In this case it was this, stop reading if you don't really want to know. Second Mate Johnson sets the monster ablaze, she leaps out as the ship explodes behind her. Her ship searches for her for hours and finds her on board a piece of wood (ala Titanic) and a close up shows that she is transforming. That makes no sense, she out of all people know not to touch the snake statue, she never touched the snake statue. Why is this happening, it makes no sense, it's stupid. Why do these morons who make these kind of movies think that it has to have a bad ending to leave it open? Hmm? No matter how stupid they have to make it. This is how I would have done it, take notes future filmmakers. Johnson is rescued and is still human. Fade out, fade in, under the ocean, the sunken ship. Sinking out have put the fire out before it could get to the cargo hold. We pan through the treasures until we reach the snake statue, which is undamaged and the eyes are glowing. That's how you keep a movie open and not look STUPID!!!!That's why I give this good movie with a majorly stupid ending the NOOSE!
HumanoidOfFlesh Along with "Grim" this is possibly the worst monster-on-the-loose horror film I have ever seen.James Brolin and Joanna Pacula are completely wasted in this piece of crap.As for Pacula,she is my favourite Polish actress but why she was involved in this disaster is beyond me.The plot is obnoxious and stupid,the monster looks incredibly fake and the special effects are mostly made up of splattering red paint/blood on the wall when someone gets hacked up.The lead actress Krista Allen is extremely annoying and incredibly wooden.To sum up,if you enjoy lame acting,cheesy gore effects and an implausible plot,then this is the film for you.If not,avoid it like the plague.
Memlets The other user comment for this movie says it all, except that Barbra Streisand should forbid hubby James Brolin from ever again attempting an Irish accent.And then there's that gimme cap on the noggin of the usually glamorous, decidedly non-butch Joanna Pacula.MST3K is gone, sad to say. This would have been perfect fodder.
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