The Graves
The Graves
R | 29 January 2010 (USA)
The Graves Trailers

Two inseparable sister's visit to a remote mine town turns into a mind-bending fight for survival against menaces both human and supernatural.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
D Rahul Raj Jsd My favorite character is Caleb, played by Horror Legend Bill Moseley, who is always amazing in his performances playing badass characters. In this film, he wears a pig snout, chasing and slaying folks and he's just so frightening and incredible with his scary and cool quotes. One hell of an awesome fun ride!!!
CinderFall had to be taken from the CIA so they would stop using it against terrorists. It's cruel and unusual torture!LOLThat aside, I'm probably being way too generous with a 5. This was not a good movie, y'all. I'm not going to get too into the movie because other reviewers have done a number on it. I'll just give my .02The movie starts off promising, the title sequence feels reminiscent of Grindhouse films. Then it keeps going. The sisters Abby (Jillian Murray) and Megan (Clare Grant) Graves are unbelievably hot and they love comic books! What's so wrong with that? HAVE YOU EVER SEEN 2 HOT GIRLS GUSH ABOUT COMIC BOOKS?! Anyways, they have one last get together before Megan moves to New York. So they try to go to someplace in Arizona, and end up in Unity which is a town full of strange characters. They're told about Skull City Mines and they go check it out. Hijinks ensue.I'll give my reasoning to a 5 now.Plot: This plot is everywhere and nowhere. It has a lot to offer, but barely gives it. Two girls have fun, then they don't, but then demons? I'd give the plot a 2/10 for the good Children of the Corn vibes.Characters: Really good chemistry between the sisters. Becca is also a good character. The villains are believable, especially Moseley. I'd give them a 7/10 for good characters.Acting: Surprisingly well done for a B-movie. The actors were great in their roles, except for Tony Todd. It felt like he wasn't acting to his fullest potential. 7/10 for great acting, Todd takes away from it though...never thought I'd ever say that.Special F/X: Don't EVEN get me started on how much I hated the digital blood. I can't rate this low enough, so I'd have to give the special F/X a 1/10 because they managed to actually get blood on their actors!Setting/Cinematography: Not as good as past entries, but it's also a well done camera work. The setting is really amazing, even for a desert it looks breathtaking. 6/10 for this.Now, after doing the calculations, the score would come out to be a 4.6. I normally round up my numbers, which would give a 5. The movie is really nothing special, it just needed a few things for it to be good. Like; F/X, a good plot; but that was already covered. This was not my least favorite of the bunch, but it sure as hell isn't my favorite of the ADH4. In fact, to this day I have yet to watch Dread and Hidden (which are supposed to be the best).I want to say this movie is underrated, but it should have a slightly higher score than 3.7/10. That's just too mean for this movie.
gavin6942 Two inseparable sisters' visit to a remote mine town turns into a mind-bending fight for survival against menaces both human and supernatural.I had moderately high hopes for this one after the first ten minutes. Although I was a bit annoyed by the use of the hand-held video camera (this never works in movies, why add it to one if you do not need to) and the blood effects are so obviously the work of a computer... the sisters were likable enough and we are almost immediate thrown into a killer-chasing-victims mode.I also had a few hopes because of the inclusion of Bill Moseley and Tony Todd. This is not Todd's finest work, but it is always nice to see him on screen. Moseley, on the other hand, has done a large amount of low-grade horror and his performances vary greatly depending on the project. Here, he throws himself right into it and I have to say it might be his best work since "Devil's Rejects".The problem with the film is that while it is wonderful how fast it jumps into the action, it cannot keep up with the pace it set early on. It shifts gears and slows down part way through, and once we start focusing on the cult rather than the murderous brothers, it just loses a lot of the fun and becomes a weak story with little behind it. I feel there was more going on, and this could have been examined, but it just was not done.
conniemorrow1 I had to register just so I could review this.I agree with the reviewer that said they wanted back the hour and a half of their life that they wasted watching this. I was, however, disappointed to find that I could not give it 0 stars. Awful is not really adequate to describe this movie. The only good thing I can say about it is, at least the female characters were not totally helpless. Aside from that. . . the Arizona scenery was nice? The acting was poor. The stupid storyline was definitely lacking. It was convoluted and contrived. There was really no suspense or tension, kind of necessary in a horror movie.Mostly though, the theme of "crazy, evil religious people" killing people is kind of offensive and a really tired and ineffective plot device.