The Good Soldier
The Good Soldier
| 09 January 1983 (USA)
The Good Soldier Trailers

A romantic tragedy about two turn-of-the-century couples - one American, one British - who regularly vacation together at a spa in Germany.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Patience Watson One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Paul Evans I had this sat on my dvd shelf for years and decided to give it a go, after five minutes I was captivated, totally drawn in. The story is fantastic, I've not read the book so can't compare, but there are multiple layers, love, betrayal, longing, and a true sense of character. Spellbinding performances all round, although it must be said Jeremy Brett captivates every single time he appears, he is phenominal, so charismatic. I found myself also loving Pauline Moran here, she made Maisie such a tragic character.Lovely production values, at times it felt like I was watching The Great Sherlock Holmes, it only needed a murder. Fabulous costumes and period detail, it truly is a lavish drama.Glorious viewing. 9/10
MartinHafer Wow...the current reviews for this one are all over the place--with two 10s, a 9 and a 1! As for me, I think it's neither as wonderful as several folks think but it certainly doesn't seem like it deserves a 1.The film is about two couples at the early part of the 20th century. One couple is American and the other British. Each year, these folks vacation together in Germany at a health spa. During these times together, apparently the British hubby (Jeremy Brett) has been having an affair with the American wife. Oddly, however, you never really see any of this. In fact, almost everything that occurs is talked about...again and again. Heck, it's all talk--and often large and important parts of the story are simply explained through narration--a strangely disconnected sort of storytelling. While there are a couple deaths and a few twists, none of it is particularly interesting. Well acted, yes, but not terribly interesting. Worth seeing if you can stand the slow pace and style.
moondog-8 This made-for-TV film gets high marks all around: lucid and intelligent cinematography, breathtaking performances, and visually strong direction. It's a great film, based on great source material. The film addresses how a man, by re-examining several years in his life, realizes that he was totally clueless regarding what was happening around him, as his wife and friends schemed and had affairs while he thought they were all happy and content. The novel moves back and forth in time, and so does this film: a complex yet totally engrossing narrative that leaves other time-shift ideas such as *Pulp Fiction* in the dust.Among all the great performances in here, special mention must be made of Susan Fleetwood, whose layered performance is both sensual and calculating.I've turned on many friends to this film. Definitely one of my desert-island videos.Highest accolades!!
fraserpatty I would make a set of underrated, though wonderful movies or series that ended up on Masterpiece Theatre. This movie is one that would surely end up on disc. One of many beautiful period pieces, it is distinguished by the emotional impact the storyline has. Neither of the two couples involved in the story are young, and yet still their love stories are spellbinding. Sex is not the issue here, it is what happens when one person in a marriage loves but the other does not. Yet these are passionate people, and their passions bring about their downfalls. Some of Britain's greats (the late Jeremy Brett and the late Susan Fleetwood and Robin Ellis from Poldark) give deeply emotional performances. That this movie, and most other Masterpiece Theatre's little gems (like Memento Mori) will never be available on disc is a true loss to lovers of this PBS show.Edited to add: Wonder of wonders--this movie is now scheduled for a DVD release on April 24, 2007. It is truly worth a rental, if not a blind buy. One of Jeremy Brett's best performances. Enjoy.