The Golden West
The Golden West
| 29 October 1932 (USA)
The Golden West Trailers

Lovers David Lunch and Betty Summers are caught in the feud between their two families. When David kills the Summers son, he escapes to the West. He marries and when his boy is two he and his wife are killed by Indians who take the boy. Twenty years later the boy is now the Indian chief. Betty's daughter is nearby and the two are destined to meet.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
GManfred It was hard to take this picture seriously since the plot was so contrived and beyond believability. I would say it has too much plot, and is actually a saga or an epic type film, but condensed here to 74 minutes. George O'Brien is the hero of the piece, and it begins as he graduates from an eastern college, on a stagecoach with his bride-to-be, played by Janet Chandler.Fast forward twenty years, after O'Brien and Chandler move west and are slaughtered by marauding Indians, leaving their young son to be captured. He grows up and becomes their chief. One day he and a raiding party come upon settlers, including the daughter of the ex-girlfriend of his father. They capture the settlers, but soon after he becomes an ally of the U.S. Cavalry.If it all sounds hard to swallow, it is. Too much plot contrivance squashed in to a picture which needed more run time. Ultimately, the film becomes less interesting as a good story peters out into confusion. The acting is sub-par, but O'Brien is stalwart and masculine and he gets some help from Bert Hanlon as an Irish/Jewish traveling salesman. "The Golden West" is a tough slog except maybe for George O'Brien fans. At Cinevent, Columbus O., 5/13.
Larry41OnEbay-2 Thanks goodness for CINEVENT Film Festival for playing it in 2013.Seeing is believing, and this film has to be seen to be believed. It's a funny, corny action film with great melodramatic scenes mixed with multiple shots of major silent films to make it look like a bigger production than it actually was.And the plot(s) seem to be mashed together from several short stories.SPOILERS: In this western, based on a Zane Grey novel, the hero leaves town after someone is killed during a feud. As he escapes, he meets up with Indians. Generations pass and the children of feuding families finally get together but only after radical plot twists.
Thomas Slaback Zane Grey's "To The Last Man" ("The Golden West" was supposedly based on his "The Last Trail") has been expanded to include all of the historic elements of the American westward expansion movement. Pictorially impressive mainly due the the inclusion of much stock footage from the earlier silent film collaborations of John Ford/ George O'Brien "The Iron Horse" and "Three Bad Men" (the Grand Tetons and the Nevada desert) and scenes from the 1930 "The Big Trail."I have hunted for this movie as various sources indicated that it had scenes filmed in Sedona, AZ. Unfortunately, the copy I found was made from a poor print (missing 6 minutes of footage) and an absolutely horrible video transfer. I am unable to be sure if the Indian encampment was filmed in Sedona due to the murkiness and fuzziness of the background scenery. The same is true of the scene where Motano presents Betty's daughter with his only former life's possession-the music box. It may have been filmed on Oak Creek. Other new footage appears to have been filmed at the upper Iverson Ranch, and definitely at Vasquez Rock.There is almost too much movie for its 74 minute running time. The silent footage is edited into the production in a nearly seamless fashion. The usual self deprecating O'Brien humor is evident throughout, as are the many Americana vignettes. The movie is interesting for early performances by Hattie McDaniel and Onslow Stevens. Bert Hanlon makes for an amusing itinerant Jewish Irishman Dennis Epstein.