The Golden Arrow
The Golden Arrow
NR | 23 May 1936 (USA)
The Golden Arrow Trailers

A fake heiress marries a common reporter to thwart the advances of gold-digging playboys.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
trimmerb1234 I knew nothing of this movie before starting to watch it however within minutes it became quickly apparent that she is surrounded by a cast below her league and I began to wonder if this was Bette Davis's last Warner Bros picture which indeed it was.Prickly, fastidious Bette Davis knew her own worth and while other stars - see Rosalind Russel in "The Women" - could clown as well as be serious, Davis's haughtiness and seriousness about her craft made this an absolute no no. Here amiable George Brent was no "A List" star and some of the support is decidedly mediocre. In the movie she has longish exchanges with, and must submit to being I think playfully slapped on the back by, an actor some leagues below her. She was an actress who could and did frequently signal boredom and distaste when the plot has her in substandard company. In terms of fellow cast it is clear that she is here but the script demands that she doesn't indicate or feel that. As a viewer I thought the movie was more than she could - or deserved to - take. That Warners did not see that is curious. Perhaps their sense hitherto of owning, contractually, their stars who had to do what they were told. Perhaps it is hindsight - what the world came to know later of her character and talent. "Now Voyager" has her cast as a drab - she was not vain about her appearance, but in that, cast with the superbly charming, intelligent talented Claude Raines she had a part and co-star equally worthy of her talent. She was surely right to demand that the parts and co-stars matched her own high standards. Classic movies fully worthy of her talent were the result.
David (Handlinghandel) George Brent is a reporter sent to interview an heiress. She is supposedly the heir to a face cream fortune. He interviews her on her yacht. They fall for each other in bathing costumes.It turns out (quite early) that she is not an heiress. She part of an advertising campaign for the cold cream.The movie follows the ups and downs of their romance.The supporting cast does little to buoy it up. Davis and Brent carry the picture. Though it's fairly predictable, it is also fairly entertaining. It's far from her best. But, especially considering its obscurity in her oeuvre, it's not one of her worst, either.
whpratt1 In the opening scenes of this movie a man shot arrows through his hotel room into another man's bathroom and blew out all the lights. This must have been very hep for 1936, but rather way way out and had nothing to do with the film, Robin Hood did not make an appearance as far as I could see. However, Bette Davis(Daisey Appleby),"The Whales of August",'87 was very young and attractive and performed one of her best roles in a long career in Hollywood. Daisey never stopped teasing or being very sexy with her nightgowns and so called swim suit on her yacht with George Brent(Johnny Jones),"The Spiral Staircase",'46. Daisey even proposed marriage to Johnny in a Ferris Wheel upside down and even got a black eye. Davis and Brent made a great couple, one suppose to be very rich and the other a very poor reporter. Off stage, Davis and Brent were having a real torrid love affair, which is good reason why there was sparks when these two appeared in this film. If you liked Bette Davis and George Brent, this is the film for you!
fwrichter This is an EXCELLENT example of early Bette Davis talent. The production is above average for 1936 timeframe. I cannot understand why the owners of the rights to this film have not put it on DVD. Owners, PLEASE PLEASE release it. I would buy it immediately. I have not seen it in more than thirty years, on television, but remember it well.