The Glory Guys
The Glory Guys
| 07 July 1965 (USA)
The Glory Guys Trailers

Though a fictionalized Western based on George Armstrong Custer's 7th Cavalry Regiment at the Battle of the Little Big Horn, the film is almost a generic war story covering the enlistment, training, and operational deployment of a group of recruits that could take place in any time period.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
drystyx For the time being, this is a hidden gem of a Western.Most of you probably already know that there are some big name actors in this, and some that would be big names later. Also, you probably already know the Custer scenario here.Perhaps the most obvious aspect of this Western is that the lead character is the stoniest of the lot. It's not uncommon for directors and producers to use the most gifted thespians around a stoic "observer" character. Usually, it's a well motivated character who observes and reacts. That's what happens here.The romance story here is very well developed. Personally, I didn't care for the macho bravado Hollywood rivalry of the two men, but the rival's charisma overcomes that, as well as the heroine's beauty.This isn't a puzzler. You'll guess the fates of every character from the onset. If there's one that may be up in the air, it's Slim Pickens, so I'll leave you to question his fate.There's lots to like in this action packed cavalry film, and I won't spoil it any more.
Spikeopath The Glory Guys is directed by Arnold Laven and written by Sam Peckinpah who adapts from the Hoffman Birney novel, The Dice of God. It stars Tom Tryon, Harve Presnell, Senta Berger, James Caan, Andrew Duggan, Slim Pickens and Michael Anderson Jr. It's shot in Panavision with colour by Deluxe, with James Wong Howe the photographer, and music is scored by Riz Ortolani.The Glory Guys are young recruits to the 3rd Regiment of the United States Cavalry, film follows them as they live and love thru their initial training and onwards to impending war with the Indians. They be at the mercy of a warmongering general, their passions and fate, cruel avoidable fate.It's one of those War Westerns that cried out for some quality actors to tell the tale. For the story is a great one, no doubt inspired by the Custer legend from Battle of Little Big Horn, the scenery (Durango, Mexico) is first rate and the score is suitably perky and rousing: with the title song tremendous in its power. There's even some terrific action, especially for the major battle in the last quarter, where the use of 100's of extras provides excitement as the bloody carnage convincingly unfolds. But getting to that last third in the company of wooden lead actors is not that easy to do, Pickens, Duggan and Caan aside (tho Caan's Irish accent fluctuates), the principal actors are unable to put real urgency into the drama. Laven's pacing is questionable too, but the director comes out in credit because his final flourish, the battle construction, really is worth the wait. But one can't help wondering what Peckinpah in his pomp could have done with his own script.A very mixed bag when put under scrutiny, but with a glorious and potent final third bringing it to closure, The Glory Guys is safely recommended to fans of the Custer legend, and indeed, fans of film's like Major Dundee & Fort Apache. 6.5/10
kidsrock101 I originally saw this movie back in 1965 when it first came out and I have always had fond memories of it . It is definitely not as substantial as Wild Bunch, Sam P's masterpiece western, but it is an intelligent movie that builds great characters who make up the film.Tom Tryon is good as the maverick Captain who worries more about the lives and survival of his men then the prime directive of the General, played in his great evil fashion by Andrew Duggan. Harve Presnell,as Sol the scout makes a good foil for Tryon as they compete for the love interest,the widow Woodward, played by Senta Berger The standout characters to me are Slim Pickens as the long-suffering sergeant who must mold the misfits into a fighting troop, and a very young, brash James Caan as Dugan, the Irish ne'er do well, who becomes a soldier after all.Because of the time period the Indians are pretty one dimensional and uniform, unlike later movie representations like Little Big Man, but they do pull off clever fighting tactics and the hand to hand combat is fierce for its day.Like later war movies, the enemy is often the high brass or the law, just as much as the opposing forces.I could only find this movie in VHS, so I recorded it on my DVD recorder so I could keep it for posterity.
Mark Marcon Great acting and based on the Custer debacle. Peckinpah does a great job with little blood and gore but great scenes of combat. I note that a viewer says he saw additional scenes so let me comment on that; I saw the movie at the drive-in my first time and the version currently on video from MGM/UA is complete. TV versions cut out one specific scene for extra commercials, the entire scene where the troop leaves the fort with no weapons and suffers a simulated Indian attack, with Duggan nearly strangling one acting Indian (about 12-15 min.)The only thing missing is the widescreen version as the video is P&S. I also saw the movie in France, dubbed in French in widescreen and the many off-screen elements show that this movie needs a WS release. Of note is the historical accuracy of the weapons and uniforms. WIDESCREEN please!