The Gauntlet
The Gauntlet
R | 23 August 2013 (USA)
The Gauntlet Trailers

In a sunken Castle underneath the earth, five strangers wake. They have no food. No memory. No water. And no way out. These strangers are from every normal walk of life, yet they each have a secret. They don’t know it yet, but they’re capable of something they never imagined. They must organize and band together for the sinister adventure that awaits them.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
TinsHeadline Touches You
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Leofwine_draca THE GAUNTLET is a would-be horror/adventure film that seems to have been shot in somebody's basement. Certainly the film has about 10% of the kind of lighting you normally see in a B-movie and as it's a single location flick too it just consists of five actors hanging around in the dark while somebody feeds them their dialogue. Much is made of conflict within the group but if this is trying to be one of those 'deadly gameshow' type films then it fails miserably. Due to the lack of incident and plot it just goes on and on and on, hugely boring to sit through. The reliable Bai Ling appears in a supporting role but even she can't save this waste-of-time movie.
jimbo-53-186511 In a sunken castle, 5 people awaken with little to no memory of how they got there. They quickly learn that they are being tested and find that they must band together to try to figure out how to escape. But who is responsible for their imprisonment and why have these 5 specific people being chosen?The Gauntlet or Game Of Assassins as it is otherwise known is very similar in feel to Cube (another film where a group of strangers are locked in together and must work together and solve puzzles to escape). Predictably this results in a film that isn't particularly fresh or original...Having said that, in this film it really doesn't matter too much as the camera is always busy and the film rarely sits still - there is just about enough exposition and character development to get an understanding of what is going on, but it's never overdone here and although this film is flawed it is never dull.One complaint I did have with this film was the dark and dingy look of the film; sure it's necessary to an extent due to where they are located, but at times it was impossible to see what was going on which in some ways removed some of the tension from proceedings. The editing and choreography of some of the fight sequences was also poor and amateurish which resulted in a lot of these fight sequences being a bit laughable.The cast are all OK, but no-one really makes much of an impression truth be told and they do all feel like clichés of characters that I've seen before.I don't want to be too harsh on this film as it is, to be fair, moderately entertaining and at only 80 minutes long it gets the job done without any needless filler, crass subplots or soppy romances. However, it's never as good as the films that it has borrowed from which is problematic and ultimately renders it as a second-rate variation.
tedeadite A movie supposedly based on Catholic doctrine featuring East Asians who may not know such things.The clues are pictures that we can't see properly or mumbled bits of lore we can not hear properly.Things keep happening for no reason and everyone suddenly changes character. Its like kids playing a game,changing and making up rules as they go along,but without the charm of that.
didgee7 Just finished watching this movie and I am a bit shocked as to how bad it was after expecting a good one given the ratings and the trailer. I am sorry I cant waste my time to write a proper review on this one ..In short very bad acting with no credible figures,predictable story, (very predictable)the set up is not bad so the idea despite far from original could have gone further if they choose IMHO better actors and overall almost everyone who made this movie surely had to be a beginner at film making.. This movie could have been very good if it was watched 20 years ago.Its ridiculous at 7 starts at current rating.Fair rating is at 5 or 6 at the most.(And you will not see that costume either thats on the poster.In fact that poster has nothing to do with this movie~)