The Four
The Four
| 12 July 2012 (USA)
The Four Trailers

An undercover agent is assigned by his corrupt chief to infiltrate a rival department and sabotage their investigation of counterfeit currency. What he discovers is the counterfeiter's real plan. To overthrow the capital. Not by flooding it with funny money, but with an army of undead.

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
grandmastersik Based loosely on the Chinese X-men-meets-wuxia comic, Four Constables, upon being impressed by their Capcom-style bar fight, the benevolent Professor X-type character recruits two CGI-enhanced fighters to join his team of ultra-top secret police as they hunt for the criminal mastermind behind a money-counterfeiting ring.Maybe some of you had to read the above sentence twice. Unfortunately, the film isn't in any way as clear, as the jumbled mess of a plot isn't something that requires attention to comprehend, rather, it just skips along from part A to C and hopes that no-one will mind.But that's not The Four's biggest problem.Seemingly convinced that if Hollywood can get away with shallow, green-screened action turds, they can too, the producers blatantly insult viewers by compiling a film they obviously thought nobody would have anything to moan about as long as it looked good. And, to their credit, it did look good.So, if you like soulless entertainment thinly veiled as a film (something which requires plot and character development components to really work), then you may just find this worthy of your time; if, however, you're looking for something that won't leave you scratching your head or wondering why there are a million characters when none of them have anything remotely interesting going on, you've been warned.
bcheng93 surprised this movie got such a low rating, i would personally rate this a 7. if i was not a fan of this genre then it would at least still be a six. the main reason i think that people don't like this movie is because the story is very convoluted and the main leads love triangle is not explained farther...hence the convoluteness.there are a lot of things to like about this movie, the cinematography was first rate, the locales were beautiful and enough night and rain scenes to satisfy me. the action scenes were very well done, the acting was not bad, the male leads were better then the female. i love the wuxia genre movies ever since i was a little kid growing up on shaw bros. and golden harvest movies. the wuxia here is very well done although sometimes it felt like a superhero movie( another detriment to this movie...although very well done ). action, martial arts and cgi fans will like this movie, there is a lot of eye candy. the cgi is very good, pretty much seamless interaction with the live-action. some of the locales were breathtaking...the movie is beautiful to look at even though it is not the best made movie.for me personally, i liked it and can't wait till the second one comes out. i'm hoping that the script will be better because that was one of the main things that kept it from being really, really good. again, if you are a eye-candy movie fan, you're going to like this one.
rightwingisevil there's no way to describe this god-awful crap originated from another pure junk of the original novel. so pretentious and so shamelessly shallow. there's no word to describe this childish and brainless adaptation from a bloody awful cow dung. why this film would have turned out so horrible? do you know how people describe 'junk food' and how it affects your digestion and your whole body system? 'garbage in, garbage out' that's what i find quite appropriate for this horrible movie. those guys who could jump so high and run so fast, yet when they ran on the roof, all the tiles were cracked by their nimble feet, when they jumped up by the help of cables, then jumped down to the ground with loud thumps, ran so heavily with thumping sound....what the $^@#?! then we got psychic, inhuman zombies, fiery kung fu, icing kung fu, werewolf....whatever you could throw into the pit, you got it. the absurdity has reached another new level. i am speechless, because i have turned into a huge jumbo couch potato after watched this amazing product of Chinese civilization.
Steve R. Hastings There is a tradition in Chinese martial arts movies where people strong in "qi" power can jump around light as a feather, fight in treetops, and do other superhuman feats. (Example: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.) There is plenty of that in this movie, and additionally some characters seem to have special powers that other qi masters don't have, making this in some ways like a Western superhero comic story.My favorite character was the girl who is stuck in a wheelchair, but whose qi powers are strong enough that she is far from useless in a fight. Her name is Yayu but her nickname is "Emotionless". Like Jedi in Star Wars movies can detect each other, she can also detect other nearby qi masters. Another IMDb user review speculates that she is simply a ripoff of two characters from X-Men, but I don't agree.The movie has a confusing start, but if you stick with it the characters and plot sort themselves out. There is a shifty criminal in a city, and it turns out that three different groups have their eye on him: the police of "Department 6", the undercover police of "The Divine Constabulary", and some mysterious assassins. Additionally a bounty hunter is after him. The initial action is confusing, as it's not clear who is who. But stick with it, and the end of the movie pays off pretty well.This movie also has a bit of a "steampunk" vibe, with unreasonably advanced clockwork mechanisms that might be partly qi-powered. For no obvious reason there is a giant clockwork crane that Emotionless uses to reach scrolls on the high shelves of a bookcase! And mid-way through the movie, Emotionless gets a nifty upgraded wheelchair that proves useful at the end of the movie.At nearly two hours it runs a bit longer than necessary; I can think of a few cuts that would not have hurt. Still, I give this a 7 on the 10 scale. If you like fantasy martial- arts you might want to add a point to that! Also, I really liked the music.Note: some plot threads are left unresolved, setting up for possible sequels, but this movie has a pretty satisfying ending.