The Forgotten One
The Forgotten One
R | 27 September 1989 (USA)
The Forgotten One Trailers

A man moves into a house that is supposedly haunted. Although he is attracted to his pretty next-door neighbor, he finds himself being seduced by the spirit of a woman who had been killed in his house 100 years previously.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
jrlauer The original story line was of a writer who moved into this supposed haunted house in hopes of sparking an idea for a new novel. He is haunted in his dreams by the ghost of a young girl who lures him into the cellar. Over a period of about a month and creative investigation on the houses history, he discovers that a young girl, who was 15 years old at the turn of the century, became pregnant by her boyfriend. The father was so ashamed and so enraged by his daughters behavior, that he walled her up alive down in the cellar. Nearly a hundred years goes by before her story is learned by our writer. He opens up the wall in the cellar and finds a cavity that has been exposed to the elements. The odd noises he heard during the previous month seems to have been coming from this cavity. He decides its all in his imagination, and that it could make a good book. What he doesn't see is that there is another room off to the side of the cavity that contains a skeleton of a young girl. This movie was based on a short story entitled "The Hidden Truth". And was written by yours truly in 1987.
Backlash007 ~Spoiler~ The Forgotten One has been forgotten indeed. And regardless of the praise it has got on here, I was reluctant to watch it. According to the box it's an "erotic thriller." I wasn't sure I was ready to see the great Terry O'Quinn in an erotic thriller. After about 10 minutes or so into the movie, my fears were soon displaced. The Forgotten One starts off on a high note. O'Quinn plays a writer who buys an old house to shut himself up in and get his next novel written. He soon has some blood-chilling encounters with one of the previous owners of the house: a ghost. These scenes are shot brilliantly and creeped the hell out of me. I can't give the director enough praise for his old school approach to raising the hairs on my arms. It really reminded me of a lot of the things we are seeing from Asia right now (Ringu and Ju-on namely). However, the second part of the film is very drama-heavy and loses all of the horror. It's almost like a ghost movie you would find on the Lifetime channel. It's still a good movie, but not the spook classic it could have been. So I can't give it the raving recommendation that others have. I can say that if you enjoy a good ghost story, check it out. Just be warned that it easily could have been a genre classic but fell short.
asmallersapphyre In the past I thought only the British could make a good ghost story. I was wrong. This is a wonderfully dark, atmospheric movie that thrills, chills and even in moments, sparks a giggle. My only regret is that it's not (yet) available in DVD format. Perhaps that will be rectified. In the meantime if you love ghost stories as much as I do you'll need to add this one to your collection. Kristy McNichol plays an endearing part as a budding writer and possible love interest of Terry O'Quinn who plays a widowed writer who buys a house and is soon confronted by his past ... his forgotten past. It's a really great story and an excellent movie all around. Well written, beautiful photography, and excellent acting which is unusual these days. Hope to see this one on DVD one day!
Paul Andrews The Forgotten One starts as novelist Bob Anderson (Terry O'Quinn) drives into Denver, Colorado to begin a new life after the death of his wife several months earlier. He rents a nice house where he thinks he will be alright but he will be anything but alright as he begins to experience dreams which rapidly turn into nightmares & he has the worst case of writers block he ever has, he can't get past the word 'the' on the first page (now that's what I call writers block!). However Bob strikes up a relationship with one of his neighbours Barbara Stupple (Kristy McNichol) whom seem to like each other. One night Bob has a one night stand with a singer named Carla (Elizabeth Brooks) who, while walking around Bob's house, sees a ghost with empty eye sockets & falls out of a second storey window badly injuring herself. This is just the start as Bob himself is witness to the ghost, he hears voices & he sees her in his basement. Upon closer inspection Bob discovers a grisly secret in the basement & a tragic past that surrounds it that threatens his very life...Written & directed by Phillip Badger I thought The Forgotten One was going to be crap but as it turned out I actually quite liked it, it ain't perfect but it's a decent supernatural thriller/horror that probably deserves to be more well known. The script is sort of divided into two, the first half of the film is all about ghostly goings on & this is the horror part of the film with a nice creepy mysterious atmosphere to it but then during the second half it changes into a Fatal Attraction (1987) clone as our ghost Evelyn (Blair Parker) suddenly turns into a beautiful young woman who tries to seduce Bob & even ends up killing his cat. Obviously the first half is far superior to the second as it tries, & succeeds, to be a spooky horror film that builds itself up. Unfortunately the whole beautiful ghost, sex, piano tune, back story type themes that emerge during the slower second half just don't work as well & seem at odds with what has gone on previously but it still manages to both maintain interest & entertain, you can't really ask for more than that I suppose. It's slightly slow & sedate pace may put some people off as will the lack of any significant action or special effect scenes. There are only four character's in the entire film worth mentioning so it's a very character driven story which some may like while other's may not, the very downbeat ending won't sit well with those who like happy 'everythings worked out perfectly' Hollywood ones.Director Badger tells a pretty good tale although I wish the film as a whole was more consistent & he had gone for genuine creepiness & scares throughout the entire duration rather than letting things degenerate into a love story between the ghostly Evelyn & Bob. There's a nice atmosphere running through the film & it has some nice sequences. There is no blood, gore or violence as The Forgotten One relies on storytelling for it's effectiveness. There is however a fair amount of nudity & sex during the latter stages as our ghost Evelyn isn't scared to get her bits'n'pieces out for all to see.Technically The Forgotten One is fine, there's no flashy camera work or special effects but it's generally well made. The acting is pretty good & I don't have any complaints here.The Forgotten One was a lot better than I had expected but at the same time didn't quite do enough to totally impress, it's well worth a watch for sure but I doubt many would want to see it more than once & if only the second half had been as good as the first this could have been a little gem of a film, unfortunately it isn't so it ain't.