The Fatal Mallet
The Fatal Mallet
| 01 June 1914 (USA)
The Fatal Mallet Trailers

Three men will fight for the love of a charming girl. Charlie will play dirty, throwing bricks and using a huge hammer.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
CitizenCaine Mabel Normand again teams up with Chaplin in another slapstick comedy. Mack Sennett is on hand as a fellow suitor with Chaplin. The film starts immediately with violent brick throwing between Chaplin, Mabel Normand and her beau. Pretty soon there are three men after Mabel, trying to best each other or bop each other in the head. Charlie and Mack Swain end up all wet and Mack Sennett ends up with Mabel, surprise surprise. Many familiar slapstick moments are in this film, and the violent brick-throwing is a bit jarring and unnecessary. However, in silent comedy there was a need to provoke reactions in the audience rather then having to employ over-exaggerated mannerisms to get points across. I saw two versions of this film with reverse camera angles in each film, and I'm wondering if this was a mistake on the restoration part of it. One version appeared to be restored, although they both could have been. *1/2 of 4 stars.
Michael DeZubiria The Fatal Mallet is full of unexplained, unnecessary, and gratuitous 1914 violence, like most of Chaplin's films for Keystone, but at least the plot is very easy to follow because it stays simple and doesn't try to tell more of a story than the technology of the time would allow. It begins with a lot of brick throwing between Chaplin and a man and wife (the wife does most of the throwing), until ultimately Charlie and the man are engaged in a brawl. Meanwhile, the wife finds another man, a huge brute of a man who is unaffected by Charlie and the first husband hitting him on top of the head with bricks. When he fails to notice that anything is happened, the two love scorn men are forced to regroup and come up with a new plan while the new guy makes his affections known to the woman.The two enemies now working together allows Chaplin to do some of his usual tricks and pranks but to actually have a reason to do them this time, and ultimately it turns into a brawl that is every man for himself, since they are all enemies to begin with. Chaplin's love of falling into the lake and throwing other people into the lake is certainly not forgotten here, but among the films of the time, I think this one stands out as one of the clearer and more entertaining ones, even though so much of it is the same as so many others.Also of note here is what I think might be the first appearance of a small boy in an important role in one of Chaplin's films. I say important role, however, only to mean that there is a kid in more than a background role. I am not sure if it is more disturbing than amusing, but I would lean toward amusing just because, even though the kid shows up just long enough for Charlie to punt him off screen like a football, he is clearly having a great time and his imitation of Chaplin's backwards fall is uncanny. Certainly not the best, but this is among the better of Chaplin's Keystone comedies.
Igenlode Wordsmith Rather to my surprise, I actually quite liked this one. Considering that I don't care for slapstick, that the entire plot of this film consists of people hitting each other, and that I'm not Charlie Chaplin's greatest fan, this was extremely unexpected; but in fact, there are good things to be said for a film that consists of nothing whatever but a single, simple gag ingeniously elaborated. Mack Sennett gets better and -- dare one even suggest it in such a context? -- more subtle results here by simply staging repeated variations on a theme than he would have done by throwing in the semblance of a plot (or what passes for one in Keystone territory), let alone by introducing more characters or invoking the Keystone Kops...Despite or even because the whole film is occupied by hitting people over the head, there is scope for some finer detail, such as the shifting alliances of convenience between the various opponents as old grudges are overlaid by more immediate opportunity, and moments of realisation: my favourite was the sequence where Mack Swain comes to and realises that he has been locked in with a Mack Sennett who is going to be *very* angry when he wakes up... and the way that his knees (all that is visible) shake beneath the sackcloth while he tries to hide. But I felt that the player who really shines in this film is Mabel Normand, who has the advantage over the men of being on the receiving end of less constant violence, and thus can really milk her outraged reactions when her suitors' attacks accidentally spill over. The little sequence at the beginning where she sweet-talks Charlie into a close approach after he kicks her in error -- only to knock him unexpectedly flying with the full strength of her diminutive frame -- is laugh-out-loud funny, which is more than can be said for much of Keystone's standard fare.
boblipton A nice little comedy, in which Mabel has three suitors: Charlie, Mack Swain and Mack Sennett. Although Sennett's character -- a country bumpkin with a face that looks like he's been eating lemons -- never appealed to me, he does know how to do slapstick. And the three men all pound each other, while Mabel looks on gleefully.Now, considering who owns the studio, who do you think gets the girl?