The Eves
The Eves
| 30 April 2011 (USA)
The Eves Trailers

A group of students are en route to the beach for spring break when their car overheats near a crumbling hunting lodge, leaving them alone and defenseless while an unseen force attacks them from all sides.

Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Michael Ledo 5 guys and 3 girls go on a trip on spring break. The vehicle overheats and they end up at an isolated hunting lodge. The film is similar to a cabin in the woods type of thing. There are personal relationships at work and people getting killed.This is a run of the mill type of slasher film.Parental Guide: Sex and Nudity (Corrie Loftin formerly of the Lingerie Football League)
Woodyanders Stop me if you've heard this one before: A group of college students en route to spring break find themselves in considerable jeopardy after their car breaks down nearby a rundown hunting lodge in the middle of nowhere. So far, so familiar, but fortunately director/co-writer Tyler Glodt keeps the hackneyed, yet still effective and engrossing story moving along at a snappy pace, crafts a reasonable amount of suspense and creepy atmosphere, delivers a satisfying smattering of gore and one nice pair of bare breasts, draws the characters with some depth, and manages to come up with a couple of decent twists for the harrowing last third. Moreover, the acceptable acting by a game no-name cast keeps the picture on track, with especially solid work from Matthew Albrecht as the righteous Matthew, Cathy Baron as the catty Nicky, Stewart W. Calhoun as the awkward Paul, Amelia Meyers as the brash Yvette, Micah Sudduth as the unhinged Luke, Corrie Loftin as the sultry Lauren, and J.R. May as annoying smartaleck Trevor. Thomas Bango's crisp widescreen cinematography provides a pleasing polished look. However, several irritating false scares and the general lack of originality knock this one down a few notches. Passable slasher fare.
ASouthernHorrorFan "The Eves" is an entertaining modern backwoods/road horror film. It is a nightmare scenario that is a dark, thrilling journey into cruelty and psychotica that seems totally Americana. "The Eves" is a film I will be watching again-especially during the Halloween season. There is something truly terrifying about psychotic young people!The story takes the road horror into grindhouse territory effortlessly. The innocent trip that turns into a fight for survival against homicidal madman shows strongly in "The Eves". There is a period in the beginning that gets a bit old with the "ooh you scared me bit" which really set me into the notion that I was not gonna like this flick. However from the first real scare, that results in the kick-off to the horror show, the film pulled me in. The blunt cruelty of the antagonist, against the helpless victims offers a disturbing sense of realness that hooks you in. I found the cast to be apt in bringing these characters to life, creating a strong, well executed story. Plus with the intense, brutality of the last act, "The Eves" becomes a chilling survival nightmare. The special effects, suspenseful build-up, and over all darkness of 'The Eves" creates a steady, even-paced intensity the feels natural and "at times" cringe worthy. The director does a great job working the cast, and scene direction so that kill scenes look genuine. It is above low budget quality really. The sound effects, and overall ability of the film to keep a strong foreboding atmosphere never falls flat. If it wasn't for the slow, annoying start to the film, with way to many "fake scare" moments, then this film would be flawless. Still the second and third act make up for that unnecessary exuberance.
GL84 Getting stranded while on a road-trip, a group of friends follow the advice of a local to stay at a supposedly-abandoned shack in the woods, only to find it's actually the home to a group of demented, devout religious followers intent on saving them from their sins, forcing them into a deadly struggle to survive.For the most part, this is an absolutely generic slasher in every sense of the word, as the fact that the twisted, warped views on religion provide so many agonizing moments of stupidity to come forth that it alone amounts for nearly all the film's problems right there, then take into account that it follows a time-honored tradition of a group of friends getting stranded in the woods and the locals with a hidden agenda that just seems so common a set-up that, by not doing anything radically different here, it tends to feel very clichéd and repetitive after a while. Added together with the very slow and drawn-out beginning here and it's got a lot to overcome. There's some nice brutality in the kills and the treatment of the prisoners in a dark, intense second half filled with more confrontations and encounters that does go some way toward redeeming this one, but all that religious stuff really can't be overcome and drags this down a lot, for there's not a lot that really overcomes a flaw like that.Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and Brief Nudity.