The Escort
The Escort
| 12 December 1999 (USA)
The Escort Trailers

Fleeing from his wife in France to London, 45-year-old Pierre is barely able to support himself. He meets friendly Tom, who offers to help him make ends meet by working as a male escort.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
jpdhadfield I loved this film, i saw it years ago by chance on telly, then again on dvd now, i still like it a lot, its unpredictable, shows a world most people don't know about.It funny in places,there is drama,its filmed form a french perspective , based in london. This gives it something extra, and despite the trailer its not about sex or escorts, its about people and relationships, life and the mess we can create in it. so if you want to see lots of wild sex, this film isnt for you, but if you like drama , then it might do
paid in full Until the very end, this movie kept me on my toes. Michel Blanc's style here was fast paced, which makes it easy to watch.Indeed, since it is somewhat of a romance movie you would think that men might not be interested but the suspense makes you hold your breath. Every scene could turn good or bad until the very end.Daniel Auteuil is great and his supporting cast just as good.The reason for me not rating it higher is because I wish I had learned more about the gigolo lifestyle through this add another layer would make this movie worth seeing multiple times. Don't get me wrong, I may watch it again...but i dont feel the need to.Nevertheless, a good movie.
The Couchpotatoes I wasn't really impressed by Mauvaise Passe. I thought the movie was predictable and boring. Really nothing special to be thrilled about. The story is what it is, a bit hard to believe, that's for sure. I mean what would a French speaking person search in London where 99,9% of the population can't speak a word of French? And him, he finds immediately a new job, plus another job as gigolo while he is middle aged, isn't that of a great looking guy and he doesn't speak English himself. It's all too far teched for me. I'm not going to debate about the rest of the story, let's just say that all the stereotypes about gigolo's passes the revue. It's just an average movie.
tresdodge Daniel Auteil plays a French man, Pierre, who absconds from his family in Paris to the bright lights of London in order to write a book. One day he is beaten up in the street by the bouncer of a strip joint and Tom ,a young male escort, comes to his aid. The two become mates and Tom encourages Pierre to enter the world of male escorting.Not a bad film but not incredibly good either. However an interesting peek into a fictional world of male escorting in London where good money is to be made by sleeping with mostly attractive women. Does not sound bad maybe I should give it a go, if it is as well payed and glamorous as this film makes it out to be!The two central characters are pretty good and the film develops into a fine conclusion. My favorite scene is near the end when a devastated husband (played excellently by Peter Mullan) confronts Pierre for sleeping with his wife and charging her for the pleasure.This is worth a watch just don't expect too much from it.