The Enemy Below
The Enemy Below
NR | 25 December 1957 (USA)
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The crew of the American destroyer escort, the USS Haynes, detects a German U-Boat—resulting in a prolonged, deadly battle of wits.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
GazerRise Fantastic!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
clanciai An excellent war film, almost comparable with "Run Silent, Run Deep" also about submarine activity, but this one is in colour with outstanding photography, which makes the monotonous sea scenery a never boring thing; while Robert Wise's war drama in Japan is much more intense and dramatic. Here the two captains are poised against each other fighting out a sea duel with their ships at stake, Robert Mitchum waging his destroyer and Curt Jurgens staking his u-boat. Jurgens is the better actor and plays out his part with convincing power, while Robert Mitchum is just cool as always. It's a rather slow film, only gradually the real drama is building up but rewarding in the end with a finale that no one could have expected. There are some breath-taking sequences, as when the Americans go fishing without knowing the submarine is right under them, and when the destroyer passes exactly above the u-boat, so it could have chafed its bottom.It's a classic indeed, and notable is also Theodore Bikel as Curt Jurgens' second, a great character player always appearing in great quality films. He was the original Captain Trapp on Broadway.
hewilson2-72-796868 Despite the technical limitations of the time, this film nonetheless manages to capture the fear and anxiety of undersea warfare. It begins with a great story and is supported with fabulous acting and a good script that forgoes the typical rah rah of the period and instead focuses on the humanity and horror of war. An all around excellent flick.
TxMike Robert Mitchum was a big movie star back in the 1950s and 1960s, though I suppose most of the younger viewers don't know who he was. It is nice to be able to find some of these fine older movies on the "Movies!" channel. Especially during the first 10 to 15 years after the war ended in 1945 there was considerable Hollywood fascination with war-related movies. And they mostly were received well by the USA public that had gotten heavily involved in supporting the war effort. The dastardly Nazi Germans were still a big interest on the big screen.Here the two stars were both near 40 years of age, Mitchum is USA Capt. Murrell with a destroyer. Curd Jürgens is Nazi Captain Von Stolberg. They have a close encounter at sea and each must try to destroy the other. So most of the movie is that mental chess game at sea, two veteran captains trying to predict what the other will do, and often ordering maneuvers that puzzled the rest of their crews.While there is plenty of action the story is really about these two men. It tries to bring humanity to the war effort. Hollywood would not release a movie in 1957 that had the Germans defeating the Americans.SPOILERS: As the chase comes to a climax the sub must surface and the destroyer is faced with a collision. Germans didn't like their U- boats captured so time bombs were set. The Americans had to vacate their vessel, try to save as many prisoners as they could, and still avoid being sunk in lifeboats by the imminent explosions.
MattyGibbs The Enemy Below is a cat and mouse tale between an American warship and a German Submarine. This film succeeds on nearly every level. Rather than paint the Germans as the bad guys it shows that on both sides it was just normal men fighting a war that none of them really wanted to be in. The two leads Robert Mitchum and Curt Jurgens are both outstanding as the Captains who gain a mutual admiration for each other. I liked the way it showed the fears of the men on board from both sides. The director builds up a great air of tension throughout culminating in an impressive finale to the film. War films are not one of my favourite genres but this is an intelligent, entertaining and impressive film that holds your attention throughout. Even if you have little interest in the genre it is well worth seeking out. One of the best war films I've seen.
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