The Emperor's New Clothes
The Emperor's New Clothes
PG | 11 August 2001 (USA)
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Napoleon, exiled, devises a plan to retake the throne. He'll swap places with commoner Eugene Lenormand, sneak into Paris, then Lenormand will reveal himself and Napoleon will regain his throne. Things don't go at all well; first, the journey proves more difficult than expected, but more disastrously, Lenormand enjoys himself too much to reveal the deception. Napoleon adjusts somewhat uneasily to the life of a commoner while waiting, while Lenormand gorges on rich food.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
Bill-1035 The basis of the film's is on one of those legends which crop up around great men like weeds on a driveway. This one concerns the Emperor Napoleon who, while in exile on the island of St. Helena after his defeat at the battle of Waterloo, was supposedly replaced in captivity by a lowly sailor doppelganger. Don't expect any major fighting or spy style action because things don't turn out exactly as the plotters expect.As an amateur military historian I found that the film's exposition was very slow as Napoleon's entourage plan to free him from St. Helena. Whether or not this slowness helps those who are unfamiliar with the life of the Emperor is hard to say. However as soon as the great man is free of the island the film gets into its stride and gives us some neat touches of humour and a few nasty jibes at both the tourist trade and bureaucracy. Once in Paris, in order to pass the time while he waits for the signal to start the rising that will see the overthrow of the Bourbon kings of France and his own re-ascension to the throne, Napoleon applies his organisational and tactical gifts to selling groceries with amazing results.The whole film is an exercise in feel-good. No stupendous insights into the character of Napoleon or what it feels like to be cast down from such an elevated position but it all makes for a couple of hours of pleasant amusement. Such a pity that the warm fuzzy feelings engendered by a film like this evaporate so quickly as we emerge from the darkness of the cinema into the harsh light of the car park.
Dale Haufrect, M.D., M.A. "Emporer's New Clothes" is a well done romance. It beguiles the mind of the audience. One can become lost in the reality of the era. He paranoia involved in Napolean's being is revealed in his character performance as well as this unusual story line. There is a very revealing scene toward the end of the picture in which he is thrust into a psychiatric "prison" and realizes his fate. The empathy that is developed by those surrounding him is remarkable. Cinematography is adequate, but it is not spectacular. The acting is superb. Costuming and set design is well done. It is a film that is definitely worth viewing. I give it a 7 out of 10. It quietly sipped by me when in the theaters, but is now available on DVD.
robinandlynne Ian Holm can just stand there and be terrific and in this movie he has a lot to chew on too. We loved it here. Wonderful, beautiful, costume drama/comedy with a great, big, open heart. Anyone is redeemable... amen. What a great theme!
fastmike Exceptionnel !Like an old fable, this off beat, mostly funny and sometimes serious story of Napoleon's (fictional??) last attempt to regain his throne , will guide you over the battlefield of love, life and happiness, and is certainly for emperors of all ages. Ian Holm gives a first rate performance of the one time conqueror and Emperor of France. Iben Hjejle, as Pumpkin, the struggling inn keeper and Tim McInnerny as Dr. Lambert, are equally entertaining as the love-to-be-conquered and the opposing rival.If you like love-comedy, and need to have a ‘taste' for the delightful, then I'm sure you'll find that `Emperor's New Clothes' ranks with the best of them.