The Eleventh Victim
The Eleventh Victim
| 03 November 2012 (USA)
The Eleventh Victim Trailers

Nancy Grace's THE ELEVENTH VICTIM is a taut suspense-thriller that follows Atlanta Assistant District Attorney Hailey Dean (Jennie Garth) as she tirelessly pursues the conviction of a serial killer. Just when her courtroom prosecution of the murderer begins, Haileys fiancée is killed in a seemingly unrelated crime. Shattered by her personal loss, she moves to New York City and begins a new career as a therapist. When her clients start to turn up dead, one by one with the murderer using the same M.O. as the Atlanta serial killer she put behind bars she is forced back into the dark world she left behind to help catch a cold-blooded killer who could very well make her his next target.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Executscan Expected more
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
marsmii Jenny Garth is a terrible actress, have never liked her in anything she's been in and she twitches her mouth a lot! It amazes me that she keeps getting parts! Are the directors deaf and blind? So many things wrong with this movie besides the bad acting, except David Lewis was very good! I don't think detectives do the things these ones did and no lawyer would do the stupid things Garth did---like send her office assistant off to the police station knowing she was meeting up with the killer! Wouldn't she keep her safe with her and have the police come to them!! I found myself yelling at the TV and shaking my head with the stupidity of everyone! Do yourself a favour, turn it off immediately.
trepessa This by no means is a bad movie. Jennie Garth is a TV actress in a movie from Lifetime. It is a television movie and not a major motion picture that would be shown in theaters. It is meant to entertain only and that is what it does. I don't believe this would appeal to most men because it has a female lead who is strong but haunted by the violence and an incident with a very heinous murderer in court. Most Lifetime and LMN movies are basically geared toward a female audience. I have seen many movies of this type and this one is no worse. I write and I didn't see anything wrong with the plot or the characters. The acting is fine for the parts they are playing. It is actually very straight forward about a psychopathic serial killer who becomes obsessed with getting even with his prosecutor. Now this isn't a new idea but it doesn't need to be. It's how it is portrayed within the movie. There is no way any movie or novel is likely these days to come up with anything new or improved that hasn't been done one way or another, yet this had a secret that comes out in the end. I like Jennie Garth and she does a good job in the movie as well as the supporting cast. Cunningham is a good villain in this movie and is believably deranged. I think many of the reviewers simply have no expertise in writing, film making or judging acting. Be that as it may, the movie is average, entertaining for a little over an hour. I believe it deserves a better rating than most are giving and it is not a bad film. It all depends on the taste of the individual watching. If you like simple murder mystery psychological thrillers with a pretty straight forward plot you will be entertained by this one.
dancinqueen47 Thinking about it, I don't know why I gave this three stars - it barely deserved one! It was truly the worst of the worst Lifetime or LMN movies ever made. That's saying a lot, because a whole lot of them are pretty bad. I watched for about 50 minutes and then decided this was only going downhill, with no hope of redemption, so I gave up on it. I didn't watch 90210, so I am not familiar with Jennie Garth, but if this performance is indicative of the quality of her acting she definitely needs to find a job that's a better match to her skills. Acting certainly isn't one of them! I also don't watch Nancy Grace much, but if this story is indicative of her writing skill, and it appears to be, well...Nancy, give up writing, right now cause it's absolutely not working for you! So much of this was so pathetic and nonsensical. One of the more ridiculous things was when Jennie asked the the detective about his leads. He said they had been considering several different leads. She then became overly defensive and accused him of accusing her of being the murderer (which he very certainly had not)! Of course, she shamelessly overacted. This one was so much worse than the customary Lifetime stinker - it was so amazingly bad that I will never again watch any Lifetime movie. In my experience, out of 10 movies run on Lifetime and/or Lifetime Movie Network, 2 may be halfway decent, 4 may be pretty bad, 2 may be really, really bad and 2, like this one, are truly an amazing and disrespectful insult to viewers! I suggest they start showing an on-screen, prior to showing movies: "Warning! This is unsuitable for anyone with an I.Q. exceeding 55." Ba-bye Lifetime and Lifetime Movie Network!
edwagreen I would have rated the film an extra 1/2* had it ended when the sadistic killer got what was coming to him.Interesting story where a District Attorney has to leave her job after nearly being choked in court by the guy she was able to convince a jury had killed seven women.Our D.A. goes to N.Y. to become a therapist. Amazing all the degrees she has.Based on a DNA irregularity, our killer is released and heads to N.Y. to commit more mayhem and get even with the prosecutor.As her patients become victims, the police suspect her and she is eventually arrested. It's hard to fathom that a bulletin wasn't put out when our killer left Atlanta after being released, but told to stay in waiting for a new trial.After all is said and done, we learn of another agenda that our eager defense attorney had. Just when you finally think that matters have been resolved, our killer, who was wounded, escapes from the hospital and is on the loose again.The plot is overdrawn.