The Eden Formula
The Eden Formula
| 01 September 2006 (USA)
The Eden Formula Trailers

When industry spies break into a top secret lab at Calgorin Industries, they accidentlally let a T-Rex loose, which wreaks havoc into the lab before breaking out into the streets of Los Angeles.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
TheLittleSongbird I do get dubious watching SyFy movies, and watched The Eden Formula mainly to see if it was an improvement over their other movies. The Eden Formula is nowhere near their worst, but it is not one of their more tolerable efforts either. The only real redeeming qualities were good performances from Jeff Fahey and Tony Todd. The rest of the acting ranges from over-eager to completely bland, the extras actually seemed to be making much more of an effort. The acting is not the only let-down to The Eden Formula. The dinosaur effects are laughably bad, among the worst I've seen from the SyFy channel in a while, cheap in design, choppy in movement and lacking any kind of menace. There was nothing really memorable in the story either, it lacked momentum and just failed to come to life in general, as well as being structurally thin and predictable. The script is rambling and cheesy, and the characters are cliché after cliché after cliché, just how many times do we need the mad scientist character? Overall, not the worst but lame. 3/10 Bethany Cox
alex_serious Right. firstly, when I watched this, it was called Tyrannosaurus Wrecks and now it isn't. And I think that same decision making goes for the movie. Did they want to make an action movie, or a dinosaur movie? They did what any low budget director would do in this case and made an action movie containing a dinosaur. As a result of this, you find yourself watching a B-grade action movie with snippets of a dinosaur killing people with a special effects quality harking back to the very first Godzilla movies. So this is a bad movie. there is no denying it. But where other b-grade movies really fail across the board, this one succeeds. It has humour. When I say humour, I mean it is packed full of awful jokes, cheesiest of one liners and a 10 minute martial art scene just so they could lead into a joke. That i dedication. Obviously the acting is bad, although every now and again you do get some rather good performances from Jeff Fahey and especially Tony Todd. (They share an interesting torture scene that is the best acted out scene in the movie) I also had some bad issues with the sound quality at times and I feel it id lack a lot of audio effects. I will say however, that this movie didn't need to have the T-rex as it did nothing for the plot in the long term, however, it was all the better for it. It will make you laugh.3 stars.
smcke i was skeptical on watching this due to the crappy reviews but once you get over the bad special effects its actually quite a good movie but the title is terrible they should of stuck with the eden formula not tyrannosaurus wrecks because in all the t Rex doesn't wreck a whole lot at all it just eats loads of people, the whole i dea of a trex hating loud noises isn't actually that bad kinda a good story twist while the t Rex is obviously computer animated & looks about as scary as a sock puppet on crack its still worth watching so go ahead rent it & make up your own opinion not worth buying though but still if you find cheesy Dino movies cool a good movie
image-2 This little movie is a blast. It's a perfect parody of the the action dinosaur genre. To be sure, it's a low budget film, but the filmmakers seem to have embraced the whole action/cheese-ball/creature-on-the-loose on a zero-budget concept. From the recycled Carnosaur footage to the new stuff with the great rubbery reptile chowing down on people's heads,this thing is entertaining! Tony Todd and Jeff Fahey are classic. They're in on the joke and provide the suitable arch-types, as does Dee Wallace Stone, looking fantastic as she always does. Plus there's a great little cameo featuring "Hatchet" director's ADAM GREEN! The scene is downright hilarious. The film is full of bluster and over the top situations and comedy/horror genre joy! Highly recommended!
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