The Eddy Duchin Story
The Eddy Duchin Story
NR | 21 June 1956 (USA)
The Eddy Duchin Story Trailers

The life story of the famous pianist and band-leader of the 1930s and 1940s.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
mikasparky There's no way, even suspending reality to the Nth degree, that Tyrone Power is in any way, shape or form "believable" as a fresh faced graduate of the Massachusetts School of Pharmacy. The deep, unforgiving wrinkles around his eyes make him look more like the DEAN of the school! I know that Hollywood had a bad habit (still does) of casting people up to the age of forty as teens and young adults, but Tyrone doesn't look at all "young" in this role--he was just too doggone old.And like every picture made in the era, there's no accuracy when it comes to make-up or hairstyles, either. It's a shame, too, because the costumes aren't horrible, and good hair and make-up would have helped immeasurably. Kim Novak looks like she dropped in from the Technicolor fifties! Still and all, for a schlocky, sentimental, typical-of-the-era film, it's not awful--it'll pass the time if you're in an escapist mood.
MARIO GAUCI A popular branch of the musical genre during the 1940s and 1950s was the biopic of composers (of both classical pieces and popular tunes), singers or musicians/bandleaders; this belongs to the latter category. I can't say I was familiar with Duchin's history or style and, in any case, despite numerous musical numbers (where star Tyrone Power's piano-playing is obviously dubbed by a professional), the film seems much more concerned with the man's turbulent and tragic life. Ironically, both the star and his subject would suffer an untimely death – for the record, when Power's passing was announced, the film under review was (belatedly) on general release locally! He does O.K. in eliciting both Duchin's wholesomeness (which endeared him to audiences) and his ambivalent feeling towards a son he blamed for the death of beloved first wife Kim Novak. Nudged by manager James Whitmore, however, Duchin's ready to make it up to the boy following his war service in the Pacific; here, he also meets, falls for and marries young war orphan Victoria Shaw (following some initial sparring when Duchin Jr. is seen preferring her company!). Just when it seems that his domestic problems could be surmounted comes a fatal blow: he's diagnosed with a neurological condition which even curtails his career. At the end of the day, THE EDDY DUCHIN STORY is far from a highlight of its subgenre or, for that matter, the filmography of its matinée idol star; nonetheless, it was deemed serviceable enough to garner 4 Oscar nominations (not to mention landing director Sidney a surprising DGA nod).
Nicholas Rhodes I only discovered this film fairly recently, rather surprisingly as I DO like music biopics and already possess the Glenn Miller and Benny Goodman stories ! Still, this DVD is unknown in Europe for some strange reason and has to be purchased from the USA.I am fond of Tyrone Power, having been impressed by his performance in "Witness for the Prosecution" and as for Kim Novak I was bowled over and full of emotion before here loving character as his wife, so different from the common ugly personage she portrays in "Of Human Bondage". Indeed I had watery eyes throughout the film, from shortly after the beginning right up until the end as the film distills so much emotion, happy and sad, throughout its whole length .... from his first meeting with Kim Novak, through the problems he has in communicating with his son and finally to his meeting with Chiquita. I cried even more on learning that the poor actress who played the part of Chiquita actually died very young !! The music of the film is fantastic both in its arrangements, choice of tunes and recording quality. I am most annoyed that this soundtrack seems to be available anywhere on a CD, as I would have thought it was an obvious choice for issue on CD. It should be noted that the soundtrack was played by Carmen Cavallaro and not Duchin himself, indeed, Cavallaro's playing is better than that of Duchin's and not quite the same style. After seeing the film, I bought a couple of CD's of Duchin to check out the music but CC is definitely better so on that score one could accuse the film of over-glorifying Duchin's musical prowess but there it is. If you like romance, tenderness, sweetness and good music then see this film, I can guarantee that you will NOT be disappointed !!!!
Lolly2222 If you like to watch actors who are skilled, have on screen chemistry to die for (and they do) and enjoy cinematography that might make you want to take a stroll in Central Park, then rent, buy, borrow this CD and sit back and watch it over and over and over again. This is a well adapted screen play that moves through a life, tells the story well and makes this love story very believable and of course tragic. Watch the life of an extraordinary talent and sit back and enjoy. Tyrone Power never disappoints and if you can capture his voice and keep it in a bottle, you would And Kim Novak is stunning, sweeping and is well cast. As Marjorie Oelrich she couldn't be more perfect. Also, besides being an exceptional beauty, she, too, has a lovely voice. In a very understated way, you want her to go on and on and on. James Whitmore always delivers. All cast members are charming. You'll love the actor who plays Lou Reisman, the orchestra leader at the Central Park Casino. Enjoy folks. This one is a keeper. OHHHHHHHHHHH, you'll be amazed at how well Tyrone Power plays the piano, or seemingly appears to be playing. The music!!!! Oh, the music.Now to the truth. There are many changes to the real story of Eddy Duchin. Peter Duchin was raised by Marie (he called Ma) and Averell Harriman. Peter's mother, Marjorie Oelrichs, died in July. Not as depicted in the film after Eddy Duchin's radio show from the Central Park Casino in the Winter, Christmas. The Harriman's are portrayed as the Wadsworth's. Why? I don't know why but if you read Peter Duchin's book "A Ghost of a Chance", you will get more of the inside scoop. Still a wonderful film. I don't believe the young actor Rex Thompson was even close to Peter Duchin's persona. But that's my story.