The Eavesdropper
The Eavesdropper
| 01 January 2004 (USA)
The Eavesdropper Trailers

Fifteen deaf patients took part in an experimental clinical trail aimed at hearing restoration. Within days, fourteen of the fifteen participants in the trial become violently psychotic, ultimately taking their lives to stop violent side effects brought on by the treatment. This is the story of the sole survivor of the experiment, Patient #14 - Liza Raines, who participation in the experiment gave her super-normal hearing abilities - particularly, the ability to hear the frequency emitted by the brain when it thinks. When her life is suddenly thrown into jeopardy, Liza is forced to use her ability against those set on covering up the fact that she even existed

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Juan Carrera Contrary to the previous reviewer, it is precisely the fact that you have to constantly hear multiple streams of thought of a few people at the same time, and decide what is "noise" and what is "important" what made this movie most interesting and enjoyable for me.It is a psychological experience that is exactly the opposite of what you normally do all day long... paying attention to the one stimulus that you already know is important in the given situation while what is not important automagically gets filtered out by your senses.For a layperson (regarding the complex machinery of your senses) this movie gives you a "hands on" way of appreciating the valuable work your senses do for you all the time, filtering out irrelevant information for you. Even if you are acquainted with the science behind the senses, this movie shows you how you probably would go insane if this filtering were not part of our makeup.
xracerette I absolutely LOVED this movie. I just finished watching it on TV and it was great. The storyline was excellent. The ending left me wanting to watch more and see what happens though. Another movie should be made to let me (and others) know what happens to these people. To the makers of this movie - GREAT JOB!!! Keep making movies like this. The idea of people being out there that can actually do this is a little scary. It will make me wonder if anything I THINK is private. It would be very interesting to be able to do this - not necessarily on a regular basis, but on an as needed basis.It would help to know who is lying and who isn't. It could be a potential dangerous thing as well as a beneficial thing.
melvin-1 Although it was slow at times it shed light of a TV series idea in the commentary on the DVD. There have been other series that was about a real person or a real thing, so a focus on the character so a focus of day to day life could work. I have come upon movies that have a potential TV series idea and now if they would stop calling this just a TV movie they have something worth it. I like a movie about a real possibility and this is it, watch it if you like science fiction or science fact. I know this is science fact some say no but a series like this could beat other shows so I hope this is going somewhere. Another thing my medical problems with my brain (epilepsy) years ago could have given me a better life if only something like this had happened to me.One thing that many people say that several minds being listened to at once would be hard. In a crowd of people and all are talking and you want to hear one you focus on that voice. It's the same with the mind voice. I have talked to several of my doctors and they have commented that it is a real possibility.
J M The premise that a person could hear other peoples thoughts all the time would of course be distressing to the person involved, however, the way that it's implemented into this film is that you, the viewer, have to listen to the same constant babble of peoples thoughts while trying to work out what is being discussed in the current conversation.Trying to listen to several different voices at once and trying to understand what they are all saying makes this film a very stressful one to watch. Ideally you'd just pay attention to the main conversation but they're at a volume that makes this just not possible.To be honest, I didn't watch this film all the way through, I can't recommend it.