The Diary of Anne Frank
The Diary of Anne Frank
| 09 January 2009 (USA)
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Called the most accurate adaptation of Anne Frank’s moving diary, the film chronicles the Frank family as they flee from the Nazis in Amsterdam. Hiding behind a bookcase in a secret annex with random bombs exploding, Anne faces friction with her family, a desire for independence and the first stirrings of young love. It’s a remarkable record of a young woman’s first-hand observations of the Holocaust.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
lflachbart This movie was very captivating. It gave a good sense of what the times were like during the Holocaust, and what Jews had to go through to survive. It made you feel empathy the characters. The actors were very good at embracing their character and giving you a better sense of the characters personalities. In the book Anne didn't go into depth about her family's looks because she wasn't actually planning on anyone reading her journal. The movie gave a better perspective of her family without as much dialogue. I'm glad that I read the book before I watched the movie. The movie left out some of the smaller details the book was able to explain in more depth. I had to keep reminding myself that Anne's diary was first hand, and replace some of the missing details from knowledge from the book. The most intense scene was where there was a bombing going on outside of the Annex. You could feel the fear Anne's family was feeling. They felt trapped because there was nowhere "safer" for them to go, they just had to wait for the bombing to end and hope the Annex didn't get bombed.
yabbox I downloaded all five episodes to iPlayer. I didn't know any background about the dramatisation but with going by the title alone, and from the BBC, guessed it ought to be worth watching.I have just watched the first two parts and after the first 30 minutes I decided to do some research. As the official BBC about page ( confirms to me, the show is aimed at a young age group. I feel the show so far has a very educational bent, as if it's one of those old BBC2 educational shows aimed at school children. As the BBC webpage confirms, with links to the war timeline, other resources and how many of the comments are by children, the similar age to Anne.Although it must have been a breath of fresh air to share such a cramped and hostile apartment with such a lively and outgoing young girl, I feel there is an overly joyous and 'look on the bright side' perspective to the directing. To me it detracts from the importance of the subject and as other reviewers have suggested, turns it almost into a SOAP like format.The filming is done very well, and the actors play the parts well. It is a good, stock BBC production there. The one downside to the acting is it's just too 'English'; a bit of a put-on Dutch, German accent or more prominence to other languages around them, would've been more realistic for me.However, my real gripe is the lack of a dark side. All the dialogue is very clear and carefully spoken, both in terms of diction and subject. Perhaps this is just the view from a young girls diary, but I feel the true impact, grittiness and any reality is missing.I am struggling to continue to watch to be honest. If I hadn't already downloaded the series I think I would've changed channel already. It is lacking in suspense, or rawness. It's all too jolly. So far.Maybe I'll change my mind as the series progresses, but as I say, if I hadn't already downloaded I certainly wouldn't stay in to catch the next episode.Another reason I'll continue to watch is because of the other reviews, you're all so impressed with it! Maybe it does become more gripping.
josephnickson102 such an emotional story, acting was superb!the best BBC production in years. They have definitely out done them self this time. This is a must see video/series. If you are into history you MUST WATCH IT! Ellie Kendrick was amazing! so was Tamsin Greig. I always loved to see her in black books, but this performance was just amazing. It still made me go out buy buy all three series again!well done everybody soon as it is available to buy i will buy it. and so should you.truly inspirational.
Framescourer First-class. Soap-length and almost soap-like, the great strength of this series is it's day-to-day realism. Free of invented sentiment or the sobriety of guilt or hindsight, writer Deborah Moggach and director Jon Jones work something believable and vital out of Anne Frank's eponymous journal. Rather than watch one finds oneself living through the action with its absurd pettiness and meagre (but treasured) consolations, with familiar tensions and thrills in circumstances not only unfamiliar but inconceivable.The cast are as high-calibre an ensemble as one could imagine. Impossible to identify favourites, I found the women most memorable. Ellie Kendrick is an ideal Anne, conjuring all the highs and lows of a girl forced to experience a compressed adolescence but leaving something terrifyingly real for the inevitable climax. Leslie Sharp and Tamsin Grieg play perigee and apogee of the Jewish hausfrau, pantomime dame and ashen-faced mouse: their Parthian ability to charm or bite can turn the experience of an episode inside out.Everything about this project seems to have worked - the perfect episode length, carefully-pitched drama of the highest calibre and broadcast at a time when everyone can absorb and, yes, even enjoy it. Highly recommended. 8/10
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