The Devil Within
The Devil Within
NR | 21 May 2010 (USA)
The Devil Within Trailers

A night of sex, drugs and partying in the Hollywood Hill's is the perfect setting for Serina's 18th birthday - until this high school pool party goes horribly wrong when an uninvited guest begins killing everyone

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
kosmasp We all know that movie covers do lie to us and portray a movie more attractive than it actually is. But saying this has "creative" ways in any connection is just absolutely unacceptable! While you may be able to overlook the "acting" and the "story" itself, there should be something that makes this at least a bit interesting. And here we come to the other selling point of it: Twist If you want to call it that. It's completely insane and nothing people will be amazed by. On the other end, there is neither enough blood or nudity to hold the attention of the intended group of watchers. Don't get me wrong there is blood and there is some nudity and intercourse. The latter depicted in two scenes. And one of them is shot in a nice way actually (intercut with people dancing and music people might find good). That and the beautiful people in it, might make this bearable for you. Better script and some nice effects next time and we're good
Icons76 Sorry if i may sound a bit harsh! But let me tell you that in these days when, it is almost becoming an increasing habit to download for way to cheap or from the black market, any type of music and movies, without realizing that by so doing, they are destroying the only creativity left in the Entertainment Industry,and that, eventually and very soon, production will come to a stop, if they so keep on stealing, i am the one of those few, who always pays for his own movie tickets, DVD's/Blue Ray's and CD's! So i also feel the full right of bluntly honest expressed, when i payed for this abomination. A plot, that makes no justice to cult or Horror Films,and quite bring to a whole new level the word demeaning. Something so horribly created, directed, acted,well, if, of acting we can even talk here, where, even the savvy partial nudity is profane and vulgar and cheap, since all girls don't even seem belonging to the world of acting, but more to the one that represent the oldest profession the World can ever remember of! The guys are just so plain, considering all those talented, unusual, penetrating faces the world of underground Horror often tends to present, and i am thinking about people like Sid Haig,Tony Todd,Domiziano Arcangeli, Dylan Vox or even Toby Hemingway or Desmond Harrington,that probably weren't even available to read such a detrimental script,so shallow, bland,and juvenile, that you keep wondering how someone could even wanna produce! And last,but certainly not least,"something" filmed so badly to be able to bring to mind only some sort of real bad,poorly executed students film, whose director, had been plagued by severe hung over, during the weekend of this ill fated production! What else to say? Nothing,there's just nothing else to be said, sadly,and think that, normally i find great guilty and rewarding pleasures by exploring titles like this one,but here there's only one thing you may be wanna fully aware of: Run!
delboy2380 I have just registered myself on IMDb only to warn people about this truly terrible film. The only reason why it has a score of 3.3 at the moment is because of a couple of idiots, who either fancy one of the actresses or get off from slasher movies.This film has no storyline.It tries to create a plot at the beginning, but then doesn't follow it at all. As "airgoeg"'s review suggests, you have to be brain dead to enjoy this movie. The acting is awful. There is no feeling from any of the cast. The only believable characters are a weed dealer and a street preacher, unfortunately both of which you hardly see any of, and are not even needed in the film/story. Trust me. I am normally easily pleased when it comes to films. I am able to find the good in most things, but I don't care if this is low budget or not. I still wouldn't use the script to wipe my own *@#*. Even though it is only 1hr 15mins long (1hr 15mins too long in my opinion), I still feel I have wasted part of my life watching this film.
HorrorSociety Now, when I first heard about The Devil Within I was thrilled and when I read the synopsis I was even more but after I got done watching it I thought… it wasn't bad. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. There is lots of room for improvement but there were some good things about it. The main story centers on a group of 'high schoolers' who are throwing a super 18 party, well, drama between the group heightens and on top of that… there is a killer loose.What I really enjoyed about this movie was the overall theme of this story… near the beginning of the film there is a long lecture of the 7 deadly sins and how greed leads to all sins, which is an interesting theory and it's also brilliant to see how these analogies play into the film because every character in this film is guilty of these sins. When the end twist arrives, it plays out real nice.The beginning played out well and it really sets up the tone of what this movie could have been and even in the end sequences, this movie gets heightened really fast and it turns into a horror/slasher flick that I actually enjoyed. There was blood, there were brutal killing scenes and I really enjoyed the twist.With that being said… there were some things that I did not like. First off, I was mislead into thinking this would be a supernatural thriller with the principal killing for rituals, then most of the movie turned out to be a teen drama and it wasn't horror until the very end, so to me this movie wasn't sure of what it was. I was kind of disappointed because I really wanted this to be a slasher or a supernatural movie.The characters were unlikeable with the exception of three; two being a couple of idiots and one being a teen struggling against her alternate lifestyle and the others are unlikeable… even the ones that I liked turned out to be cheating and bad and I get it's realism but I wasn't please.In essence, this movie was okay, it wasn't the best and it sort of let me down but I think this movie had a powerful message and I understand why the movie is called The Devil Within but I really wish this movie had executed properly. There were some powerful scenes but there is room for improvement. This movie was excellent but from a general movie standpoint it's okay.