The Defiled
The Defiled
| 13 October 2010 (USA)
The Defiled Trailers

In a post apocalyptic world, science and technology have backfired leaving unfathomable destruction and a permanently diseased planet in its wake. A virus is mutating the human race turning innocent survivors into mindless cannibals.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Leofwine_draca THE DEFILED is another mindless zombie indie movie shot out in the woods in some godforsaken location. This one's in black and white and has some low rent artistic sensibilities. The plot is about a bunch of zombies running riot with a twist that our hero is a zombie too. Sadly, the whole thing is heavily influenced by the look of the zombies in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD so it feels like a cheap rip-off without a voice itself. It's also very boring.
Conejeto The first sequence includes a teenage boy acting like a pet to the dad and somehow this is true in many normal families where he protects his dad yet is jealous of him. The daughter blames the dad and the wife makes babies for the dad thus keeping ahead of any mistresses he may encounter. Another sequence parallels reality when Dad bleeds his own blood for the welfare of his newborn child's survival after mom dies at dad's own poor judgment. I skipped the brother sister imitating mom and dad having sex, it may not happen frequently but perhaps the siblings having seen it with their parents first could lead down that dangerous road? I saw a lesson here being taught. Next; the step mother of the infant competing with the biological Dad for control of the infant child; another all too common family problem in modern society perhaps could be extrapolated here? The destroyed church with the crucified man in Jesus' place a parable to evils of war/science out of control? Turning away woman and child less than perfect to preserve the superior race? The natural scenes to drink water in stark contrast to the rotting bodies upstream and just out of view of our hero/victim characters ultimately making them more sick perhaps paralleling science technology vs. nature and Earth. I guess once I caught the first sequence, I began to see so many small yet powerful social statements. It cleverly included biochemical as well as nuclear destruction by the asses that be. The producer would be stoned to death for saying outright such observations on society's flaws/hypocrisies but I urge anyone to view this several times as I did and say this is simply a cannibal zombie movie without dialogue. The fact that it needs no subtitles anywhere in the world makes this film even more a work of genius to me. "The Defiled" left me with a sadness I can't describe. I highly recommend this film to the thinkers out there.
Greenzombidog I love B movies and I love zombie films, I also love some art-house movies. So this should have been right up my street, but some how I just couldn't get into it. The premise of a zombie trying to keep it's zombie baby alive in a post apocalyptic world sounded great and then Iheard that it was an almost silent movie, which I thought sounded very interesting. The first stumbling block for me came when You meet the family of zombies at the start. One of them walks on all fours like a dog. It just seemed a bit silly. Later when The zombie meets up with the human woman who becomes an almost surrogate mother to his baby another silly thing happens. To sate the zombies craving for flesh the woman gives him a piece of chocolate. The movie is just full of these type of instances. I'm all for playing with the boundaries of zombie mythology but chocolate versus flesh, No. The acting is also quite weak. The human woman has one face she pulls constantly and by the end of the movie I was sick of seeing it. The zombie just grunts and groans which also started to get a bit ridiculous. The effects are what you'd expect from This grade of movie. Some dodgy CG birds and buildings on fire. The movies filmed in black and white sometimes with a blue hue sometimes a bit green. I think this worked in it's favour as it made it difficult to see how poor the make up was. It's one of those movies that now I've seen it I don't need to see it again.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) Starring: Brian Shaw,Kathleen Lawlor.Cannot believe this movie exists,Thank You Chemicalburn films. Enjoyed the whole 100 minute ride ,er walk,err journey of a Male Zombie,His Human-ish baby and a female mortal.No dialogue as you're used to,But totally communicated emotions and progression of story. Did you know Bill Hinzman, Sometimes recreates his character from original Night Of The Living Dead and Flesheater.Well he would be proud of the appearance of zombie lead,Its eerie and yet much more. Cannot recommend enough, Get it at Amazon, today.The baby puppet ? is almost a real enough impression to have some acting accolades itself.