The Dead Outside
The Dead Outside
| 24 August 2008 (USA)
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A neurological pandemic has consumed the population. Drug-resistance has mutated the virus into a ravaging psychological plague, rendering the 'the dying' desperate, paranoid and violent

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Leofwine_draca THE DEAD OUTSIDE is probably the worst non-zombie zombie film I've had to sit through in recent years. It's a real dog's dinner of a film, shot on zero budget and in a hurry, and it has no story or sense of intrigue or mystery or suspense to propel it along. Any incident that occurs during the movie is ruined by incessant shaky-cam work that means when stuff finally happens, you can't see it happening anyway.The film is about a couple of people holed up in a remote Scottish farmhouse after an epidemic of sorts. It sounds a bit 28 DAYS LATER-ish, but it's nothing like that or any of the other zombie movies made recently. It's just two dull-beyond-belief characters and somebody filming them with a camcorder. The acting is non-existent, the script lacks creativity, and the whole thing is a waste of time from beginning to end. It's not often that I feel angry after watching a movie for having had my time wasted, but I did so in this instance.
billcr12 The dead outside is, as the title implies, not a comedy filled with mirth and good cheer; instead it is a horror saga set in Scotland at a farm in the countryside.The makers have obviously watched George Romero's classic Night of the living dead. A virus of some unknown origin has turned the happy people into blood sucking zombies; how original. A completely unknown cast speaking with thick cockney sounding accents run away from each other and scream frequently.Writer-director Kerry Anne Mullaney has absolutely no sense of humorous or wit. Avoid the dead outside and find something better to spend 86 minutes doing.
foodi Completely derivative, and not very rewarding. Although the talent of the filmmakers involved is evident, they sabotage themselves by working with completely empty content. Badly written, badly acted and repetitive, the film failed to justify its running time. THE DEAD OUTSIDE works for about 15 minutes, after which its lack of momentum makes it hard to sit through. I suspect it would probably have made a good short film, however.It has been mentioned that the film "expects a lot from its audience", but this isn't quite true. There was far too much exposition in some scenes. The characters and their stories are simply not very interesting. It's a common thing to see in an indie, but the extent to which bad acting can weigh down even a good script *cannot* be overstated. I'm sure THE DEAD OUTSIDE will be the cast and crew's ticket to bigger/better things, but as a cinema experience it simply is not up to par.I'll try and contextualize my score by listing scores for the last couple of indies I've seen: RULE OF THREE (Eric Shapiro). Good acting for an indie. Reasonably good Script. Terribly shot, terrible music. 5/10 INK (Jamin Winans). Some pretty good ideas, hugely ambitious and elaborate production. Weak execution and bad acting. 5/10 SHALLOW GROUND (Sheldon Wilson). A bloody mess. Nonsensical plot. An exercise in pointlessness. 3/10 THE DEAD OUTSIDE (Kerry Anne Mullaney). A technically competently lensed film, but lacking any real focus or originality. Badly acted, boring script, repetitive sound design. 4/10
julessimmond While I must admit that I wasn't expecting much, this film turned out pretty good! Story was more complex and psychological than I expected. Left me wondering how such a low-budget effort could resonate more than the last 5 big-budget films I've watched combined. The ending in most films lets them down, there's nothing worse than a bad ending. Dead Outside pulled out all the stops and tied it all up with a bow, great little atmospheric film. Oddly creepy at times with them surviving in the old run down farmhouse, waiting for something bad to happen. This film is similar to The Fog in its atmosphere of dread but set in the Scottish Borderlands.. with the infected acting as the backdrop for the narrative.. and some ghosts for good measure! Haunting and well worth a watch.