The Day the World Ended
The Day the World Ended
| 23 November 2001 (USA)
The Day the World Ended Trailers

A school psychologist investigates the death of a student's mother and finds the boy believes he is the son of an alien being.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
weyrleader47 It wasn't the plot or the cast nor the (Aliens) nor the location I hated about this almost watchable movie.... It was lines like..." Sometimes my dad gets so mad he doesn't really know who he's hurting" "But that's OK BC lots of dads are like that.. Right.?" Spoken by the child who blames himself for his moms death.What was worse is that the woman treating him. AGREED. Sure its normal..NO IT Isn't. Normal dads don't strip everything fun from their child's bedroom BC they think he was bad. And then blame the child..Whoever wrote this script need psychological help...
bob the moo Dr Jennifer Stillman is a child psychologist who moves to a small town for a break from the big city life. On her first day placed in the town's school, she notices a strange young boy called Ben. Taking the opportunity to dig a little deeper into the clearly troubled lad, she learns that he was adopted by his father (Michael) after his real mother died and nobody knew who his real father was. However she doesn't know quite what to think about Ben's belief that his father was an alien and that he will return one day; but when someone or something is killing people in the small town could it be that Ben is the only one that knows what is really going on?With a relatively well-known cast and an appealing title, I decided to give this film a go but must admit that I didn't think it was that good – although maybe worth giving a go if you're in an undemanding mood. The plot offers mystery that appealed to me but it reveals its secrets very early on by revealing the rubbery beast quite early on in the proceedings. In fact it reveals so much early on that I realized that there must be more to the story than this, there must be some sort of twist and turn coming at the end or else this will have been one very dull movie. For what it's worth, there are some plot 'revelations' towards the end but they are not that good and they certainly don't make up for the rest of the film being a rather dull affair that occasionally throws in some rubbery effects. This part should create tension and mystery but it doesn't and the direction the plot takes comes across rather like a series of ideas that have been lifted from better films and not fully delivered here. It has some entertainment value but it would have worked better as a short film (30 minutes long) because here it feels rather stretched.Edner was good as Ben, he wasn't as horribly cute as he could have been and he deals with the 'running and being scared' side of things just fine. Kinski overplays her part and makes it too earnest and serious. I'm not suggesting that she needed to be all-singing, all-dancing, but there is a difference between being convincingly earnest and coming across as really forcing the performance of being earnest – Kinski does the latter rather than the former and she didn't do anything for me at all. Quaid is his usual self and is a nice addition; he does well with what he is given to work with. Support is quite good from Tobolowsky, Groener and a few others but generally this film is not about the characters – it is about the plot and, in that regard, it isn't as satisfying as I had hoped it would be.Overall this is watchable once but it is not much cop after that. The plot marks out its stall early on and tells us a lot but then settles on that for a while, making the majority of the film come across as a bit dull. When the twists and turns do come, they are a bit flat and uninspired and it never gets anywhere near the atmosphere that it wants to have and it doesn't really work on any level. Maybe genre fans will like it but I can find little to recommend it for and would advise that there are better films with similar ideas which develop and deliver them much better than this below-average made-for-television effort.
PessimisticGrace .. Are people THAT afraid of an overweight nurse? I mean,seriously, get over it!No, it wasn't a great movie, but an overweight middle-aged nurseisn't something to hate it for. There ARE such people in the world,my friends. If the 15 second sex scene scared you that much, Ithink YOU need to visit Kinski's shrink character. (Older, unprettypeople have sex. Deal with it. I bet you're the same people thatfreaked over Anthony Hopkins doing a love scene in The HumanStain.)Definately not a great movie.. I kind of feel sorry for Quaid andKinski.. They're stuck in low-budget made-for-video films, despitebeing pretty good actors. I don't think it was bad enough to "shoot you with a pellet gun,"though. That's a little overkill. There are a lot worse films.I'd give it a 4 out of a 10. Despite not being a good film, I did watchit all the way through. I wanted to see the ending, though some ofthe middle was rather dull. For alien movie lovers, I'd recommend War of the World (oldercolor version, with the aliens with the blinking lights and reallycreepy hands) and It! The Creature (Thing?) from Outer Space.4/10 stars
gazineo-1 Preposterous sci-fi trash in which a little boy believes himself a son of an alien. Based on this account, he waits for his 'alien' father returns to bring him back for another planet. Suddenly, a strange creature appears at the little town where the boy lives with an adopted father and starts to kill the inhabitants. The premise of this misfire could have rendered an acceptable film but the final result is ridiculous, boring and unbelievable. Just Miss Kinsky is a delight to see. I give this a 03 (three).