The Dawn
The Dawn
| 14 February 2006 (USA)
The Dawn Trailers

A group of students singed up for a college credit course about indigenous cultures at a rural retreat. But, when darkness falls, the students find out that the curriculum also included their bloody deaths. Terror begins when darkness reigns and survival depends on staying alive until......The Dawn.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Leofwine_draca THE DAWN is an example of your usual junk shot-on-video horror movie courtesy of the US of A. The story sees the usual group of boring, brain-dead students heading off to a rural retreat in the woods in order to learn more about indigenous cultures (go figure). After a lot of set up and mucking around, weird things start to happen. Students suffer dreams of rape, a lesbian scene is thrown in for good measure, but the most jaw-dropping moment is the native ritual with the topless girl on the bed. This bit really has to be seen to be believed. The rest runs the gamut of wooden acting and sparse plotting, and it really is a travesty of film-making.
U_KNOW The movie wasn't as bad as i thought it was going to be. I Mean i went in thinking it was going to be the worst thing ever but the cast was pretty entertaining. It was just so damn boring and there was nothing scary about it. It could have been such a better movie if they didn't do anything but talk and scream the whole damn time. And you never quite know what they are screaming about! They didn't even show how anyone died. And the what exactly happened to Carmen? Are we supposed to guess? I can't believe i even watched it to the end. I seriously fast forwarded through the scenes to actually see where it was going and it seemed like i was fast forwarding through the same thing over and over. All they did was scream and shout which was pretty annoying! And the lesbians were driving me nuts! They kept touching each other.It was so annoying. I mean don't get me wrong i have nothing against lesbians since i myself am bi, but you don't have to be touching your girlfriend every 5 secs. And it wasn't even like sexual or anything. Plus one of the girls Spanish was so thick you could hardly understand her. Not to mention the only time they didn't touch was when you wanted them to! It was a waste of time but it just irks me that this had potential if you actually had a plot.
saraland425 If you are like me, you have bee to Blockbuster or any other video rental and have seen movies such as this on the shelf numerous times. These movies are terrible, but we keep renting 'no name' horror movies for whatever our own reasons maybe. My own reason for renting these types of movies, is hoping that maybe there will be one movie in the mix that will surprise me and actually be decent. To my surprise and liking I find a gem every now and then. This was not one of those times. Do I blame the makers of these films? No i do not, nor do I think anyone else should blame them for us spending our money.These films have very small budgets ,I would imagine. So lets not be so judge mental on these guys that don't have 30,50,or $100 million dollar budgets; instead lets hope that one day these guys will be somebody and be able to make good movies. I'm sure these filmmakers don't want to make bad moves but they don't have the money to make what they would like. Thank You
doomsyer To be fair, I only watched an hour of this flick. To really be fair, whoever made this piece of camcorder crap should refund my money I paid Blockbuster. I should charge them for having to sit through an hour of this "horror movie".....Well, in the hour I did see......there was a scene in a classroom, with all of the students being 20 something Z list actors. The dialogue was laughable.....then there was a scene where they find a dead body in the school (everyone screams and then walks away).....then they decide to go to the teachers house so they can perform a sacrifice (?)...they get to the house....the lesbians get undressed and lay around on their gets dream raped by the teacher (?)....two go into the woods to smoke pot....that was about it for me......Just a bunch of crappy dialogue you cannot hear half of the time and crappy rap music with mexicans screaming/chanting over it........Maybe the last 15 minutes or so that I did not see were kick ass.......Seriously doubt it.....AVOID AVOID AVOID......makes the acting in Children of the Living Dead seem like Oscar worthy performances.