The Curse of El Charro
The Curse of El Charro
| 03 April 2005 (USA)
The Curse of El Charro Trailers

In California, Maria has awful nightmares and visions of her sister who committed suicide one year ago. Her roommate Chris invites Maria to travel with her and her friends Tanya and Rose on vacation to her uncle's house in Saguaro, Arizona, to relax. When the group arrives in the house, they immediately go to a night-club to have fun and chase some local guys for sex; however, the evil El Charro is seeking Maria, killing her friends with his machete.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Norrel122 When I saw this movie, it struck me as more of a comedy with a horror ending hence the reason why I rated it a 4. If rated from the perspective of a horror, I give it a really generous 3. Most of the movie will make you laugh if you watch it without the expectation of it being a horror. The acting seems to be spitefully lame which adds to it's comedic effect. You need to be naive or really young to enjoy this as a horror. If you're looking for a good scare, THIS IS NOT THE MOVIE FOR YOU!!! If you're into cheesy horror films because you're bored and you need a good laugh, this would give Troll 2 serious competition. You'll laugh at the fact that someone made this movie and labeled it a horror.
rayfen I thought that nowadays, with the technology and resources available, it was no longer possible for anyone 'serious' who wants to produce a low cost horror film could possibly come out with a crap... but apparently I was wrong. I thought this movie was worth watching and only after 15 minutes I realized it was a waste of time and believe me, I was tempted to fast forward it. It is certainly one of the worst I've ever seen. It just has nothing right, the script, acting, scenery, effects, its direction, etc,etc are all a disgrace. It is so inexplicably poor and selfish. Of course I've seen worse, perhaps that is the only consolation.
danthewrestlingmanorigin El Charro opens up in a fairly interesting way, leading me to believe it was some sort of religious supernatural thriller. However these themes are pushed aside, and not really developed. Later the group of friends run into a creepy Sheriff, who escorts them to bar, filled with assorted weirdos, including a wheel chair bound death metal rocker, suffering from some kind of mental handicap. At this point I'm thinking the film is going to become a Devil's Rejects, or Texas Chainsaw Massacre insane family type of film. No again, they simply leave the bar, and the Sheriff, and his wacky pals are never developed beyond that. Seriously, the writer or somebody has really messed up here, the film is a jumbled mess, and I can't begin to imagine where they went wrong. The film doesn't know what it wants to be, one minute it's going for the intense dramatic angle with a girl coping with the suicide of her sister, the next it features snore inducing stereotypes trying to party, and get laid. Finally by the end, it decides to go the slasher route, but it's far to late. I rate this a two, because I know some of the actors' are better then the material, and there are a couple decent kill scenes in the end, though nothing special. For those of you wondering, there is a brief lesbian shower scene with Tabitha Stevens, but it lasts all of three seconds, and you don't see much of anything. On a side note, Lemmy what were you thinking? You have to stick with Troma man, you were great in Tromeo And Juliet, but this garbage is beneath you.
RobertCraig67 Had the filmmakers not tried to introduce a bit of artistic license into the film, I'd simply write it off as a sub-par slasher flick. But the lame effort put forward by this crew gives dilettantes a good name.The only positive thing one could say about this film is that the production values aren't horrid. That script lord. Would it have hurt the filmmakers (as much as I was by viewing this junk) to invest even an hour thinking of something mildly original. Renting a film like this, I really don't expect much, but I did expect something.If you're thinking of watching this tripe, do yourself a favor - attack your brain with a fifth of tequila or something similar before settling into this garbage. Must pass...