The Crippled Masters
The Crippled Masters
R | 16 July 1982 (USA)
The Crippled Masters Trailers

Two men, one a lowly peon and the other a dutiful nobleman, are betrayed by their master and crippled for life-- One left with no arms and the other with paralyzed legs. Despite their obvious disadvantages, they strive to seek revenge against their evil master. The two men endeavor to track down the fabled Eight Jade Horses, said to hold the key to special martial arts techniques.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
cdevip If you can put aside story sophistication, story line continuity, and class, you will utterly love this movie. It is a bizarre story of two crippled people working together to beat their evil master. Once these former enemies pair up with some help along the way, they go head to head with their former master in an unforgettable fight scene in the end. The Kung Fu was OK, but the ingenuity makes it worth it. It's mindless fun and the kind of movie that everyone with a sense of humor will love. Enjoyment factor: 10 Sophistication factor: 0
Thai Fighter The exact second I heard the title to this movie during the trailer I knew it would be a must see. An hour of calling various Blockbuster and Hollywood Video stores began, being shot down at every turn by either one of the following responses: "Never heard of it", "Is this a Prank Call" and the great Hang Up response. This reaction began a long search for this movie, where I had to special order it. When it finally came in there was a sense of triumph which probably added to my high accolades for this movie. If you watch this movie straight through, it may be a waste of your time, but if you do as I did, watch the first few minutes, get the general idea of the plot, then fast forward to the crippled fights, then your in good shape!The movie might be horrible, the voice overs might be poor, the film quality might be pure Sh*t. But you cannot deny the fact that it's still a guy with unusable legs, and a guy with a thumb for an arm, kicking some butt! The training scenes are great, the fight scenes are great, and the final showdown is a classic; where our "horizontally challenged" hero cannot get a leg up (pun intended) on the villain, and must resort to the "death blossom" tactic......If you don't know what i'm referring to you haven't seen the movie, just watch for him spin across the ground and listen to the soundtrack!It's great stuff, and the skills that these guys have are just plain fun to watch. Sit down, get a bowl of popcorn and plenty of your beverage of choice.A perfect 10 out of 10 on this one.
sanzar "The Crippled Masters" qualifies as one of the weirdest entries in the Kung Fu genre, which was so popular in urban grindhouses in the early to mid-70's. Despite the 1984 copyright date, this curiosity obviously was filmed at least 10 years earlier & no doubt played a rat infested, inner city theater or two.No actors or technicians are credited on the New Line print in circulation, but longtime fans will obviously spot some genre vets in supporting roles. The actually crippled "stars" (an armless man and his near-legless partner)probably made this one picture & then faded into obscurity.A secret Kung Fu society banishes one of its members, but not before cutting of the poor unfortunate fellow's arms. Soon, the individual who presided over this cruel punishment is, himself, banished, suffering an acid bath that nearly disintegrates his legs. Improbably, they end up as partners under the tutelage of an ancient, alcoholic-looking "master" who teaches them kung fu, to help them to exact revenge on the leader of the secret society who ordered their mutilations.Also figuring into the plot is the search for the "8 Jade Horses", statuettes that imbue "one who understands" with great kung fu powers. Each side wants them, including a "government" investigator sent to find them. This sets the stage for several interminable and amateurish "chop-socky" set pieces as the film lunges and kicks towards its conclusion.As usual, the dubbing of this Hong Kong production is atrocious and the sound effects accompanying the various blows sound like those of a poorly produced video game. The chief interest of this film is it's sheer "political incorrectness", as it exploits the humiliations experienced by the poor unfortunate cripples cast in the lead roles.Sadistically sick, but in a cheesy sort of way, it's a definite guilty pleasure. Best viewed with a cold six pack handy!
DelMonte This movie contains very impressive martial artistry by guy with no arms and guy with no legs. However, that is beside the point, as anyone that would possibly want to watch this movie would do so for purely camp value. Oh yes, Crippled Masters has camp value. By the end, the film quality gets much worse, and there are obvious film edits mid-shot, and it ends with a big freeze frame. It's very funny how terrible this movie is, as long as you aren't too sensitive about handicaps.