The Crazy Stranger
The Crazy Stranger
| 10 August 1997 (USA)
The Crazy Stranger Trailers

A man is looking for a singer he had heard on cassette. He finds much more.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Nancy Hammond Besides the fact that Romain Duris is a hotty, this movie was an adventure to watch. It basically had no plot, but was so interesting because it showed one man's willingness to try something totally crazy, like hanging out with gypsies in Romania. It was a joy to watch his struggle to communicate when he didn't understand the language. I admire this character's bravery to open himself up to a new experience and embrace it with such gusto. Kinda motivates me to seek out some adventure in my own life. (Like, learning how to dance like a gypsy, for one.) ***IMHO not appropriate for kiddos--due to, ummm, the sexualized nature of much of the content.
luiern In life you do come across with little gems of movies. Gadjo dilo represents that, tenderness, simplistic and genuine approach to the soul of the gypsy people. Hard not to be moved by movies like this that essentially portray so beautifully a piece of a persons life. The music is great, a major discovery in my life and although seen it years ago i still treasure it as one of the reasons why i enjoy watching movies. Most of the actors of the movie did not have formal training and they manage to pull it together in a way that accomplished ones would have real trouble to do so. One of those movies that reinstate your faith in the homelessness of the good quality cinema NOT TO BE MISSED
tikinoise I was truly captivated by this seductive journey into the well-insulated lives of the gypsies. It takes a non-judgmental view and refrains from clichés. The film takes on a somewhat cinema variete approach and uses many non-professional actors for the supporting roles. This approach was successful and didn't distract from film's story. The film follows a young Frenchman on a quest to find a gypsy singer on an audio tape he has. I was able to catch it late one night on cable and have not been able to find it in any video store for rent. This movie really needs a DVD release so we can get it from Netflix. Someone should pick this one up for release.
rosscinema This is a modern look at a culture that practically no one knows anything about and its to the credit of the director that we are allowed to see it. This film is about a young man from France who travels to Romania in search of a singer that his recently deceased father had recorded. One night Stephane (Romain Duris) walks into a Romanian town and bumps into an old man named Isidor (Izidor Serban) who is drunk and angry that officials have locked up his son. Isidor is a Gypsy and he takes Stephane back to his village to stay with him but the very next morning the other Gypsy's do not know what to make of him. He asks about the singer and if they know where she is but they are not sure so they take him to some people who might. Stephane notices a young woman named Sabina (Rona Hartner) and at first she does not care for him because she use to be married to a Belgian and she dislikes anyone from that area.*****SPOILER ALERT*****But as time passes and the rest of the villagers have gotten to know him well Sabina starts to warm to him and eventually they are attracted to each other. Isodor's son gets out of jail and causes the death of a local official at a bar and the people of the town decide to burn down the Gypsy village. This film was directed by Tony Gatlif who is from Romania and this is the third film of a Gypsy trilogy. Music is very much a part of this film and its the reason that these characters get together even though they speak separate languages. Actress Rona Hartner actually composed a song or two for this film and she's a very good dancer. The film starts out very slowly and it was hard to figure out where this story was headed but once Duris starts to co-exist with the Gypsys the focus of the film stays there. The performance of Serban as Isidor is amazing considering that he's not really an actor. He's a real Gypsy and he has stated in interviews that he just acted the way a real Gypsy would have. Serban can be described as both obnoxious and vibrant and its easy to see how anyone that spends time with him would pick up Gypsy mannerisms. What worked for me was the romance between Duris and Hartner and these two actors have worked together before on a couple of occasions. Duris has a lot of charm and Hartner definitely seems to be a character that would consider herself to good for just any Gypsy male. This film does show the racist attitudes that the Romanians have towards them even though its not fully explored. Its not a great film but it is one thats sincere in its view of a culture that viewers don't see very often.
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