The Confession
The Confession
PG | 02 May 2011 (USA)
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A unique story of redemption and an exploration of good and evil featuring a hit man and a priest.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
dbdumonteil There is something I cannot understand;it is really beyond me;how can a movie so highly rated,a rating it thoroughly deserves , be totally overlooked by the users,as far as comments are concerned ?after watching it,I was expecting at least one hundred of them!Much to my surprise,I'm the first one to write about it.This very short work (70 min ,but no filling!),bitter and utterly uncompromising ,will perhaps be more appreciated if you were brought up a catholic ,but every viewer looking for "something different" will be rewarded.The action takes place in a confessional ,where a man who's just killed someone -and is about to repeat this crime this very night- wants a priest to give him absolution.There are many flashbacks ,and little by little ,we understand the sinner can show compassion ,pity ,and that it is not a black and white world,but surely a gray one.We guess the unexpected final twist halfway through the movie,but the interest does not suffer for it .The movie deals with religious concepts such as free will ,the relativity of what's good and what's evil and the existence of God himself is called into question;it could also be seen as a metaphoric meeting with the Devil ,but it's up to you to decide,all in all, who the real satanic being is.There're only two actors (the others are supporting for a very short time)but they are merely prodigious :Kiefer Sutherland portrays an ambiguous character,a killer who sometimes resembles a black Robin Hood (the extraordinary and totally unexpected scene of the computer),and who,from the start,got a raw deal ;Matching him every step of the way is aging John Hurt's tormented priest who believed he could redeem himself and escape from a horrible past .Even with violence kept to the minimum ,this is a pessimistic terrifying movie,which leaves no hope to the viewer .It might shock true believers ,the words do not cut ,they bite;but they inspire the vital extremism of the confrontation.70 min of your time;it's not much and you won't forget "the confession"
Alexander van Engelen Huge fan of 24 and of course Sutherland's acting in it, I was curious about The Confession, however it came to me as a surprise it was an actual mini show with just a few minutes of each chapter, that was unfortunate because i'd love to have seen more. I believe it could have been "milked" a lot more.Like some other user wrote in his review, it might have been better to make a movie out of it.So, for all those who are intrigued, if you like to see "Jack Bauer" in a different setting, if you like puzzle pieces falling together in the end, a little mind game and action you should watch, just don't be disappointed for just under an hour of entertainment.
steveb7088 May contain spoilers although I tried not to give anything away.A series of six minute episodes (six at the time of this writing) centering around a hit-man (Keifer Sutherland) and a priest (John Hurt) in a confessional.The hit-man had a profound experience that has him thinking about human nature, good and evil, right and wrong and freedom of choice. The priest, much to his dismay at first, is drawn into the discussion. Both men make valid arguments regarding their visions and experiences. The dialog is superb and there are moments of incredible suspense as the hit-man recounts his past.As always, Keifer Sutherland and John Hurt are both superb. You will not be disappointed.I'm looking forward to the rest of the episodes.
Adam Daly After the culmination of '24', eyes across the globe were eagerly following Keifer 'Bauer' Sutherland and anticipating his next move. Little did we know it would be starring alongside film legend John Hurt in a gritty web series. Keifer plays The Confessor; a hit-man attempting to understand the root of evil through means of confession. Unrepentant, he debates theology and the source of evil with a priest (Hurt) who is forced to unravel the truth behind his confessor.Before diving head-first into the show itself, I want to talk about the show's format. Split into short (6 min approx) chapters, this is not your typical TV series. However, the chapters seamlessly flow and the overall experience is fairly reminiscent of reading a short story or novella.The length (or lack of) of the chapters would perhaps leave many viewers feeling a little short changed. After all - we were so used to having Bauer grace our screen for 24 continuous hours defusing bombs and torturing terrorists. But from the first second of The Confession, the tension immediately hits you whilst the shows dramatic undertones create an uneasy atmosphere. Regular flashbacks to the confessor's dark past fill any voids left by the inhibiting confession booth. These also provide well acted and well written sub-plots; further unravelling the mysteries of this troubled man.I quite enjoyed the three episodes so far and a pedestal has definitely been set. The acting by keifer, Hurt and all ancillary characters is excellent and both the directing and writing is of notable quality (if slightly clichéd at times). That said, there is definite scope for a larger series. I fear that the potential in the current format will never quite reach the same heights as it would in a 40 minute format. But maybe i'm getting ahead of myself. It is only episode three after all. Overall, this is a great vehicle for Keifer and fans of 24 will find watching The Confession incredibly enjoyable. With it's grit, tense drama and an original concept, you'll almost forget about Bauer. Almost.