The Code Conspiracy
The Code Conspiracy
PG-13 | 10 April 2002 (USA)
The Code Conspiracy Trailers

A code that foretells the greatest prophecies of all time...Protected by the faith of one man.

SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Kinley This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Mitzi Gainer I've seen a lot of science fiction movies because i love scientific theory and I work in a genetic laboratory here in southern California.Obviously there were several subplots going on that appeared to be sharing the philosophy and theory of God, which I believe in. I may work in the science sector of the medical industry but I still go to my Catholic church in which I was raised and received my first communion and confirmation name.The element that really resonated with me in this story was the melding of creationism and intelligent design. it thoroughly tossed the two possibilities together and made them much more than coincidentally work in concert.I enjoyed viewing the back drop in the Bahamian Islands where I have visited several times during my college education at the University of Miami. Nice job.
clintonkeep Clearly females were the majority that watched this horrendous film and felt it deserved a high rating. The story is vague and full of plot-holes, the acting is awful, everyone in it looks like they are in re-hab and no one told them they just don't have "the look" for movies. Especially Maria Conchina-needsta-shorten-her-name-Alonso-espresso. Her face looks like its melting. A lot of times it looked like they rubbed Vaseline on the lends to make her look better. There are many scenes that appear to be "misplaced" and make no sense. They didn't bother to edit (much). You kind of expect a sci-fi film at the start but it's far from it. I can't imagine how it got such a high rating. It's lack luster cast, it's sub par story, mediocre acting and predictable ending hardly makes this anything but a 1 star rated film.
filmwoman I quantitatively believe in God. I believe he created us to procreate and to continue on in his own image, and I also believe, as one of the commentators wrote...that God allows us to be able to find and understand what exactly he is trying to reveal to us. It seems as though the majority of people on our planet are closed minded and have to large the egos to be open enough to see the truth of the world and our future. Strangely enough, those close minded people are also the ones that think they know everything...which is the case? They know everything, or they have chosen to stop learning...or do they refuse to learn anything else because they THINK they everything there is to learn. Personally, I say people that THINK they know everything, are truly fools. YOU CAN NEVER STOP LEARNING.I think the acting and directing and music were all very good. The story was excellent!
jcalley The Computer age has arrived. There are complex discoveries unveiled daily. Hence this recent film supporting theories of all sides. "The Code Conspiracy" is the hardest kind of movie to review-but it's also the most enjoyable kind of movie to watch...due to the depth of it's conclusions. It's been months since I've viewed this film, yet it stays with me. Before writing my slant, I wanted to let its theories, content, and characters sink into my head. The film was based on an idea of ultimate knowledge. I could spend pages discussing the techniques of Whetston's intentions and decisions, but I will not. Jim Fitzpatrick and Maria Conchita Alonso are two of the greatest actors American cinema has to offer; it's pure pleasure watching their characters clash, meld and roll. The sexual tension was more than sufficient for the story to play out.