The Cockeyed Cowboys of Calico County
The Cockeyed Cowboys of Calico County
G | 01 April 1970 (USA)
The Cockeyed Cowboys of Calico County Trailers

A simple-minded blacksmith named Charley, well loved by the townsfolk, saves for a year to send off for a mail-order bride.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
pruiett I rarely pan a movie. But this one never got off the ground. I watched for 50 minutes and it still did not get past the "setup" that should fuel the remainder of the movie. I loved seeing all the faces: Mickey Rooney, Jim Backus, Don "Red Ryder" Barry, Wally Cox, Jack Elam, Noah Beery, Jr., and more. Yes, lighthearted and family-friendly. But poor Dan Blocker, who was supposed to be the highlight of the movie just never perked up. I wish the lady who was supposed to show up on the train had actually come. That would have been something to wrap the movie around.Watch for nostalgia.Not late at night. it will put you to sleep.
artronixwa This western comedy with a hand full of great actors like the main star Dan Blocker and One that's not on the menu ... Jack Cassady as Panama Jack, has been one of my favorites ever sense first time I watch it on T.V. many years back. Very few seem to know of it and it is little hard to find, but well worth the watching if your into excellent western comedies. Most of the many popular actors that are in this movie have sense pasted away after the making of it...which makes it one of the great classics that should have more attention! I am very happy to see that it is listed and available on DVD with IMDb and have requested it to others as a must see! I rate it on a 1 to 10 scale as 10+ ... excellent story line and lots of laughter you can look forward too from Jack Elam to Mickey Rooney. I compare it with other fine comedy westerns such as Water Hole #3 with James Coburn, Support your local sheriff with James Garner, The over the hill gang with Walter Brennan etc. just to name a few... Thanks IMDb ... Arthur from Thailand
tonellinon I saw this movie maybe twice--once in the theater and once on TV--all over 30 years ago. Then I obtained a very good VHS copy and it is in my collection. It is very good and deserves a release in some form. I enjoyed some very comic moments: Jack Elam plays a half-crazed, legally blind bounty hunter with thick spectacles, teaching his finger how to read a wanted poster; Jack Cassidy ends up in jail and loses his temper because the one locking him up is too stupid to understand he's got the wrong man; Nannette Fabray gives the burly Dan Blocker a big roundhouse punch which seals their romance. The plot is a classic: a mail-order bride no-show motivates the town to fix their only blacksmith up with a saloon girl substitute, who just arrives in town. There a lot of subplots that are slapstick. The scenes between Fabray and her hostess where Fabray reveals that she's unexpectedly fallen in love with the gentle giant of a blacksmith; and the scenes between Fabray and Blocker are quite good and are what makes this film better even than what its writer or director probably intended. I would have directed Fabray to keep in mind that her character--while probably matching Fabray's intelligence and robustness but not her sophistication--is not accustomed to having such deep feelings. Perhaps a scene or two more to contrast her relationship to Panama Jack with her newly-discovered capacity to deeply love a man who is not a Western stereotype (but probably closer to the majority of men actually living in the post-Civil War West), the unarmed, simple rough-cut but still part of Victorian America--blacksmith named Charlie. This movie is a hidden gem because it's a product of an old-school cast that whose careers started in an era where actors cared deeply about their work. I cannot see today's TV or movie crowd making such a movie without treating the subject matter and their characters as beneath them--or adding unneeded sex scenes, more violence, profanity, politics and message--so that they could show their constituent audiences, or their equally cynical paymasters, that they're determined to be "realistic." Folks, get a copy of this if you can; it's worth it.
ridgerunner773 I haven't seen this movie in years, but I remember I saw it at the movie theatre and really enjoyed it. It was a great chance to see Dan Blocker in another role besides "Hoss Cartwright". It also had other cast members such as Jack Elam and Mickey Rooney who were truly enjoyable to watch.