The Club
The Club
| 01 June 1994 (USA)
The Club Trailers

Time stops at midnight at the Senior Prom for five students, one murderous counselor, and John. They must find the courage to face themselves or, when time starts again, they may find that they are joining John's Club. All you have to do is commit murder... or suicide.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
kasey8473 I was pleased to find this title very recently added to Netflix streaming. I've been trying to remember the name of it for years & stumbled on it again. It's a movie that doesn't take itself very seriously & I think it has held up rather well. I consider it a must-see for people who like horror with a touch of comedy at various points in the plot. Don't get me wrong, it's not a laugh a minute, but there are touches of humor throughout the story. The subject matter for the interwoven character stories isn't light either. All in all, I find watching this movie to be a satisfactory way to spend a weekend afternoon.In my opinion, the character of John is the highlight of the film. I understand the actor is now both a writer, producer, & director. I may have to check out his work as a director!
callanvass This is a surprisingly underrated unknown gem, that's somewhat creepy and very unique, with a good story, and good performances!. All the characters are wicked, and the special effects are surprisingly solid as well, plus it has a few decent gory scenes. For a very low budget Direct to video Horror film, this is as good as it gets, and I was lucky enough to find this at a pawn shop for just over 1$! on VHS, plus I especially liked the ending, as it made me grin a little bit. J.H. Wyman is absolutely wonderful in his role he was so funny, and Hammed it up incredibly, and I absolutely loved it, plus I especially loved the setting as it was quite creepy. I loved the torture sequences, and the finale is very exciting, plus with an unknown cast they performed pretty damn good in my opinion. Some if it is a bit cheesy but in a good way, and as I said the special effects really surprised me, plus I especially loved the bathroom scene where Kim Coates(Mr. carver) beats the holy hell out of J.H. Wyman(Rotman in the bathroom s that was quite a harsh and memorable scene. This is a surprisingly underrated unknown gem, that's somewhat creepy and very unique, with a good story, and good performances, I highly recommend this one!. The Direction is great!. Brenton Spencer does a great! job here with awesome camera work, wicked angles, using a great creepy setting and keeping the film at a very fast pace. The Acting is surprisingly quite good. J.H. Wyman is brilliant here he hammed it up big time and I absolutely loved it, he was so entertaining and unpredictable, I loved his performance, he was one of the main reasons I enjoyed this film so much. Kim Coates is great as the other villain Mr. Carver he was just so vicious and mean, and was really quite menacing, this guy didn't mess around, I really dug him. Andrea Roth is very cute and does fine as the female lead I really liked her, she also had very good chemistry with Rino Romano(Evan). Rino Roman is also very good as the male lead he was very likable and made a solid hero. Zack Ward is very effective as the cocky asshole with a temper, and did his job well. Kelli Taylor is OK in her role and did what she had to do adequately. Rest of the cast are fine. Overall I highly recommend this one!. ***1/2 out of 5
Moon Maiden (Spirit-o-moonflower) Despite what the ONLY other person who commented on this film said, I actually really enjoyed this movie. My best friend and I must have watched it about ten times! We would always rent a film on the weekend (or two), and if we couldn't find anything else to watch, we would rent this one. Okay, so the special effects were a little silly looking (it was made in 1994 and very low budget!), and the acting could have been better, but all in all, the story was pretty good, and it made you wonder...However, this has now possibly become one of the hardest movies to get your hands on (believe me, I've been trying!!), so my review may never help out anyone, because I can't imagine many people even know about this movie, unless they are a Kim Coates or Matthew Ferguson fan! Please, if you get your hands on this movie, sit down, turn the lights low, and enjoy it, it's okay to laugh a little at it, it's a B-movie after all! What's the fun in watching a B-movie if you can't laugh at it! I'm not going to give the story away, just in case any actually does see it, but the premise is, a group of friends/lovers are celebrating their prom in a spooky old mansion/castle, and then, it's like time stops, and every one disappears, except for this group of friends...and a mysterious teacher (councelor?) with mischief on his mind...and one other kid that no one seems to know. Basically the kids get 'enrolled' into the Club (ah-ha, remember the name of the movie?), and the movie follows the kids as they all are initiated in different, and sometimes gruesome ways. I especially liked Matthew Ferguson's (Darren's) initiation...Well, there you have it. A positive review and a negative one...You decide!
zagethe This is one of those low-budget, where did it come from, movies that you find on the back shelf of the video store. While it is not a "gorefest" horror movie (I like those too) it is a "trippy" little movie about a group of high school kids that must learn to face their fears. The acting is uneven at times but most of the cast does a fair job. Joel Wyner (as John) does a good job of being menacing though I'm not sure why he morphs into a jester during the middle of the film. I think his character would have played better "playing it straight". Kim Coates (as Carver) plays creepy very well (as always) and I just liked the whole idea that the demons don't actually do any of the killing they just manipulate their victims into murder or suicide. Great it ain't, but I think its a fun little horror movie that's worth the popcorn.WELCOME TO THE CLUB