The Clocks
The Clocks
| 26 June 2011 (USA)
The Clocks Trailers

Micitype Pretty Good
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
gridoon2018 "The Clocks" will not go down as one of the classic Poirot mysteries: it does not reach either the emotional or the cerebral heights of other entries in the series. It might also have benefited from the inclusion of Ariadne Oliver - after all, Poirot attends one of her plays near the beginning and a part of it helps him get to the bottom of the case he's investigating. But it's still enjoyable, well-produced, and sometimes delightfully cryptic ("It's not important WHO he is, but who he IS!"), although if you are one of those people who like to pick out the guilty party (or parties) in a whodunit you have a better than usual chance of getting it right this time, since about half-a-dozen of the characters are guilty of....something! One very funny moment: Poirot's allergic reaction to cats. *** out of 4.
blanche-2 I gave this an 8 because it does keep you guessing.While investigating a spy ring for MI6, Lieutenant Colin Race is walking on a street when a young woman races out of house and starts screaming that there is a dead man in the house. Race enters to investigate.The typist is Sheila Webb. She was asked by her boss to go to this particular home and assist the woman living there. She lets herself in as instructed, and finds a dead man on the floor. There are four clocks in the room, all of which say 4:13. When the owner of the home, a Miss Pebmarsh, comes home, she says she doesn't know the man and never asked for a typist. Sheila becomes a suspect.Poirot, working with the local investigators and a friend of Colin's, comes in to investigate. He thinks one of the neighbors had a secret worth a murder, and that Miss Webb was set up.I thought this was good episode if filled with some bizarre coincidences. Poirot as played by David Suchet is perfection, and Poirot himself was very funny as he annoyed the chief inspector with what the inspector considered really dumb questions. Of course, they weren't at all.Enjoyable, set in a time when England was on the brink of war with Germany.
richard.fuller1 I did this with the movie Se7en with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman.The understanding of a killer is really very simplistic to say the least, and Se7en didn't fit, using the Deadly Sins as a reason to commit the crimes, but it relied too much on outside sources to progress his deeds, similar to BTK, but that one did a lot of meaningless fluff.So what do we have here with Clocks. First, remove the entire spy plot, as it is only connected in the corpse was put in the spy's apartment as obviously no one would think a blind woman committed the crime.So now, we want to get rid of the man who can identify the woman as not being the wife receiving the inheritance. In truth, wouldn't it have been easier to simply club him over the head and dump him in the river? Or at best, pay him off, as they ended up having to do with the actress anyway.The availability of the blind woman's apartment, I can follow, but with nosy neighbors (which was really kind of intended to be the focus of this story), a lot of the disguise (the laundry truck) now becomes obvious.So the boss lady disliked the young woman, so she decided to frame her for the crime by getting her to the apartment she has never been to before.Yes, this all unraveled once more, but it seems like once the old blind woman said she called no one to do dictation, that should have made the police suspicious as well.The criminals seemed to think, we'll just say I received the phone call, the old woman will say she called for no one and no one will believe the young girl.In truth, the clocks were a rather bad addition. They were found in the apartment and the old woman knew nothing about them. So why would the young girl take the silly clocks there if she intended on killing the man? What we are then left with is really clumsy killers, hardly worthy of Poirot's attention. it seemed more like the spy plot was added or included (by Christie, not by any filmmaker here, tho i've never read the books) to justify international detective Poirot's presence.There have been more fun mysteries with 'not seeming like it is' and 'not being told what we are seeing' and again, in truth, this one had that, with who the murdered man actually was.But then to strangle a girl in a phone booth and club the actress, again, wouldn't it have just been easier to pay off the guy, or club him over the head and throw him in the river? Criminals really don't put this much effort into framing someone into the crime. Just dump the body in the old lady's room and send no one there. Let the old girl explain who he is and how he got there, instead of putting a young girl who works for your business all into the mix.
Robert J. Maxwell Some nice shots of Dover as Poirot investigates the case of a dead man found in a blind woman's home. A young lady enters the empty house, having been called for some temporary secretarial business, sees the legs of the corpse behind the setee, and rushes out hysterically into the arms of a handsome passing stranger who happens to be the son of the now-retired Colonel Race. Young Race acts as Poirot's sidekick in this episode and he also falls for the young secretary whose love in return is pure, though she herself has a slightly shady past.I kept thinking I'd like to know more about that shady past. This dark young woman is attractive enough but has been "working" for one of her agency's clients twice a week for some months. It develops that she is no virgo intacta. I, frankly, don't think she's pristine enough for the son of the devoted and dull and respectable Colonel Race, although it might have been entertaining if the old Colonel himself had a fling with her.There isn't too much to say about the plot, or rather plots. Christie often threw in some other subplot involving people who are particeps criminis. In this case, they don't simply divert the investigators, they confuse the viewers too. One of the plots is about the equal in importance of the other and they have nothing to do with one another. An opening scene, in which two women chase one another and are both run down and killed, hangs irrelevantly in the air until the final few minutes.I won't give away too much, I don't think, if I say that it all has to do with the approaching war with Hitler's Germany and with the inheritance of a great deal of money.