The Circuit
The Circuit
| 08 June 2008 (USA)
The Circuit Trailers

Al Shines, former king of the US race car track circuit, has a hard time starting his own team, once he's fired by his sponsor Robin Cates. Robin hired Al's immature daughter Kylie Shines instead. She resents Al's inevitable 'absence' as a widowed father, as well as the reigning champion, equally young but professionally vetted Kid Walker. Kylie tries to prove herself against Kid while having an on-off affair with him. Cates's marketing strategy dictates his intentions to manipulate Walker and both Shines racers.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Drew Paskins I was out shopping and I ran into the dollar tree for a few minutes and happened to come across 'The Circuit'. For one dollar I said why not? I watched half of it and fell asleep. It's honestly a very pointless and boring movie. I was expecting it to be a little better and funnier but it's awful. I wasted a whole dollar on this DVD. The acting was okay but not the best. It could've been better but I can see why it was made for TV. I didn't like the actress playing the aunt character. She's a terrible actress. The story is stupid. The movie is about a woman named Kylie and her dad has never really been there for her because he's always out racing. He ruins his career and Kylie takes his place. A lot of father-daughter competition and it's not interesting at all. Don't waste your money on this movie. Not even a dollar.
Sjhm From the cardboard cutout cast to the horrible cliché-ticking script this movie is terrible. The lead is an insipid and immature out of the gate. Her friend who follows her around like a faithful spaniel, has a painfully obvious crush on her. The boy racer strikes the plastic fantastic perfectly. Then we have the hackneyed daddy issues, the overweight, yet cunning team owner trying to play Mephistopheles. The caring aunt. There is nothing in this mess that is new or original, or even that entertaining. It is actually difficult to find anything that is really positive to talk about. It only takes the big boss wheeling out the two little children before the start of the final race to complete the box tick list. If you really have nothing better to do with your time, the best that can be said for this is that it is mostly bland and inoffensive. But I would give it a miss.
annevejb My first review of this reminds me too much of my comment re Black Christmas and this and Clausen's Pier do have common elements in that they are less appealing than some. They are a long way from the magnetism of Pete And Pete or Can't Be Heaven (2000) or Buffy or Beautiful Ohio (2006) or EuroTrip or Ice Princess or 17 Again.The Circuit often appears to be at the level of Trachtenberg's best, then it goes weak. Some viewings I can find the whole thing watchable, if patchy. Other viewings I feel a need to look at a different feature instead.The real positive aspect is that for a fan this is now available on DVD, not as an Ultimate Trach but as part of the whole thing. There is still Trach stuff that is not available, but 2010 saw things open up a bit more. Some actors, one can find it difficult to find this sort of second tier stuff.The Pete, Pete cannon allows Rolling Thunder to be many different and opposite things. The Circuit has that sort of mixture, but if I return to it occasionally there might not always be a need for disappointment.