The Chosen One: Legend of the Raven
The Chosen One: Legend of the Raven
| 26 May 1998 (USA)
The Chosen One: Legend of the Raven Trailers

When a serial killer mysteriously and savagely murders a young native woman in rural Los Angeles County, her sister McKenna must replace her as the keeper of an amulet, the sacred crescent. Reluctantly, McKenna accepts the role of chosen one. With the amulet and after the rigors of the ritual, she takes on the spirit and powers of the raven, the good forces in the battle against evil, the wolf. McKenna's powers include a thirst for milk and great sexual energy, which she unleashes on her former boyfriend, Henry, a cop. The spirit of the wolf inhabits Rose, Henry's jilted lover. Rose wreaks havoc of her own before a final showdown with the chosen one.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- 1998, The Chosen One- Legend of Raven, An native American shaman woman is killed and her sister is unwilling to take up her sister's tribal position as a protector-priestess. She reluctantly accepts the spirit job. SHe eventually has to fight her boyfriend's over bearing ex-girlfriend that is possessed by an opposing demonic Indian spirit.*Special Stars- Carmen Electra stars as lead role, Raven.*Theme- The natural force of good will always conquer evil demons.*Based on- Native American legends.*Trivia/location/goofs- A semi-nude scene of Electra drenched in milk is something to view. This is a TROMA film. It has plenty of sex and guts, but not necessary the best story or acting on celluloid. Some female nudity.*Emotion- A superficial script that trades mainly on the sexual attraction of the lovely Ms. Electra. Her acting is mostly unwatchable, due to the viewer expecting her to laugh out loud after delivering her asinine dialog badly. But the many semi-nude scenes of her possessed by her good Indian spirit during combat and sex is engrossing to any male viewer.
tonyheartbreakkid The thing i don't understand about this movie is why would someone who is as stunning as Carmen Electra need a body double for her nude scenes, the whole world has seen her naked in playboy so what the hell?? I remember reading that there was a scene where Carmen Electra pours milk over her breasts, sounds good right, but its not her! its someone with a similar body, what a waste. There are a few nude scenes in this movie but Carmen is not in them, its her body double.I'm Very disappointed in Carmen why she would choose to have a stand in. Don't waste your money on this, you'll be very annoyed and will be looking to throw it out your nearest window.
mattymatt4ever If you're not familiar with Troma films, you may be totally thrown off by this offbeat film. Now I'm no Troma fanatic, but I've always been slightly fascinated by Troma in the same way a passing driver is fascinated by someone getting shot on the freeway. As far as the Troma films go, the worse the better. These are the people who brought you the "Toxic Avenger" and "Class of Nuke 'Em High" movies. But I figured I'd buy the DVD since even if I totally hate the film, at least I'd get to see Carmen Electra get naked. Well, she does get naked, though not as much as I'd prefer. But the scene where she pours milk all over her body is very worthwhile, and there's some great close-ups of her big, firm boobs. There's also many great shots of that firm, bubble-butt ass of hers. Not to mention close-ups of her beautiful face. But for a Troma flick, this is like "Citizen Kane"--not "Citizen Toxie." I mean, the film actually has a plot, as well as attempts at creating dramatic tension. And the acting really isn't bad at all! The actors actually sound like they remembered their lines and aren't reading off a teleprompter. Is this Lloyd Kaufman and Michael Herz's way of showing they have depth? I don't recall any gross-out effects and other than Carmen's two nude scenes, no gratuitous shots of naked (often fake) boobs. There's even a shot where a woman is entering a shower and her back is turned the camera as she unclasps her bra. Then we cut away. Just when did a Troma film ever spare a boob shot? But overall, it's a pretty bland film. It tries to make a serious film out of a goofy premise. About the only Troma trademarks I found were the two dumb rednecks. Those are definite Troma characters! As I said, I don't always appreciate the Troma films, even when they don't try to be tasteful and try to be as taste-LESS as can be, but there's no use trying to be a wolf in sheep's clothing. Go for tasteless next time! And more naked boobs! That's what Troma's all about! By the way, if you are gonna buy the film, please get it on DVD. It has some absolutely great features, including many gratuitous clips of naked Tromettes--which compensates for the lack of them in this movie. My score: 5 (out of 10)
Zanatos I really can't believe this one. This made me want to shove my head in the nearest toilet and drown myself. I didn't, because then I knew I would die in the same place this movie belongs! When I saw this was a Troma picture, I should have stopped the tape right there. But, alas, I pressed on, and lost 100 minutes of my life that could have been used to do something better, and anything would have been better, trust me.The one or two people who have read any of my previous reviews would know that I usually take a moment to describe a plot at this time, but "The Chosen One" has a plot which is beyond description. Actually, I think the film-makers made things up as they went along. Nothing made sense! Of course, that went well with the worst actors and actresses you'll ever see! What disturbs me most is that someone actually got paid to make this mess. The producers probably flew over the cuckoo's nest, because this bird-brained "Raven" should be locked in an atrium forever. Zanatos's score: 1/10...but I would rate it lower if I could. Ugh.