The Capitol Conspiracy
The Capitol Conspiracy
R | 01 March 1998 (USA)
The Capitol Conspiracy Trailers

Martial arts star Don "The Dragon" Wilson stars in this action/suspense story. A child is recruited to take part in a secret government experiment which results in him being able to see into the future. Years later, the child is an adult and is working for the government; his latest assignment is to find the other people who were part of the same project. Before long, he discovers the other test subjects usually pop up murdered shortly before he can talk to them, and he realizes he may well be the next target.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Leofwine_draca THE PROPHET is an action thriller with sci-fi elements, starring the one and only Don "The Dragon" Wilson and directed by Fred Olen Ray. With a pedigree of that calibre, how could it possibly go wrong? The answer is that it doesn't, and THE PROPHET does deliver the goods in fulfilling its aims, but it's not a particularly good movie regardless. Olen Ray has always been a cheapie director and that's no exception here, with little thought or sense having gone into location photography, staging, or storyline.Still, as an action showcase for Wilson, this could be a lot worse. His acting is very poor but his fight scenes are a lot of fun, and there are plenty of them. Being an Olen Ray movie, the director also finds time for cameos from Barbara Steele and Robert Quarry, but most of the attention is on pneumatic starlet Alexander Keith, who has to be seen to be believed.
njldst Its really hard to be critical about a movie because i really have a tendency to like any film i get. Even if it sucks i'd still enjoy watching it because it sucks. So when i give 3 stars here, it doesn't mean i didn't have fun watching it. But critically speaking, the movie just isn't good. The plot isn't very original even though it tries to make you think it is, acting is bad but not incredibly bad and the fights are just passable. And yeah, why do the people in these type of movies act so dumb?? And if these people have ESP powers enough to find hidden people and stop tripwires from exploding, how come they cant realize the danger they're in till they have a bullet in their heads??
businessdr I am not a movie critic in part because I don't tend to be critical of movies. If I find the movie even halfway believable, with a plot that is interesting, I am easily satisfied. However, I only continued to watch this movie to see how much more ridiculous some of the scenes would be. For a bunch of characters who are supposed to be highly experienced operatives of various Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies, it was amazing to me how badly they all shot. In one scene three agents come into a room and fired automatic rounds continuously for nearly 30 seconds with no target in sight, only to have the hero suddenly enter from a side room and kill all three with a revolver before any could return fine. While the hero is so fast and accurate with a revolver in one scene, he has a shoot out in a train car with another villain and neither can hit the other while emptying their guns. The same is true in another shootout in a hallway in which they are only 15 feet apart. The acting of Don Wilson and a few of the others is passable, but most of the second tier cast is amateurish at best. Don't expect to see Oscar performances in this movie.
autrata There are few action stars I watch for their acting skills and Don Wilson is certainly not one of them. But if he is put in a picture with a weak and incoherent story and action scenes that are so lame and poorly choreographed, they make you weep, you have one bad movie. Don't watch it unless you enjoy guys shooting at each other at 20 feet with no cover for minutes and missing their targets, Don and his 'partner' parking their car and strolling leisurely although they are closely followed by the bad guys, Don leaving 2 rounds in a gun to allow the murder of an innocent man, just to expose a traitor.At one point two bad guys corner Don against a wall with a car, but he is fast enough to duck under the car before he is hit. The two guys pull back the car and naturally Don is gone. There is nothing else around, no other cars or hiding places. But the two guys get both out of the car, pull their guns, walk towards the wall and stare at the floor where Don should have been lying squashed. Don of course stands right on the car's roof and shoots them from there.There are many more scenes that insult the intelligence or strain the patience of the viewer (in fact there are few that don't). So unless you want to make a study of how many mistakes a director can cram into an 83 minute film, avoid this one at all cost.