The Bullfighters
The Bullfighters
| 01 May 1945 (USA)
The Bullfighters Trailers

Bumbling detective Stan Laurel disguises himself as a famous matador in order to hide from the vengeful Richard K. Muldoon, who spent time in prison on Stan's bogus testimony.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
zsenorsock While this is nowhere near the quality of any of their Hal Roach films, "The Bullfighters" is one of the best if not the best of the films Laurel and Hardy did for Fox. For one thing, they are not playing second fiddle to an boring love story. For another, they seem much more energized than in their previous efforts. Oliver in particular seems to be doing his best. Stan, stripped of his white face makeup by Fox degree, always looks a bit tired as his dark age lines show, but he also puts in a better performance than in the other Fox vehicles.One of the films biggest problems may be the villain. Ralph Sanford plays Richard Muldoon, a man who was sent to jail for 20 years based mostly on Stan and Ollie's testimony. He promised to "skin them alive" when he got out. Well the real culprit in that case confesses, so Muldoon is released after 5 years. He's aching for revenge. However, if he's so anxious for revenge, one wonders why he just didn't go back to Peoria and track Stan and Ollie down, rather than move to Mexico and just "happen" to run into them. More importantly, though Sanford is bulky, he's not tough or dangerous looking and does not present that much of an obvious threat. The part screams for someone like Walter Long ("The Live Ghost", "Going Bye Bye", "Any Old Port", "Pardon Us") or Tiny Sanford ("Busy Bodies") both of which would have been much more intimidating.Edward Gargan does okay in a tit for tat scene with Stan and Ollie at a fountain (though one longs for James Finlayson) and the lovely Carol Andrews does fairly well in reprising the egg scene Lupe Velez did so well in "Hollywood Party".All in all, I found this film better than expected after seeing the dreadful "Atoll K", "Great Guns" and "A Haunting We Will Go". If you have to see Laurel and Hardy in a Fox film, this is the one to see.
Boba_Fett1138 It's no big surprise to say that Laurel's & Hardy's movies for the Twentieth Century-Fox aren't their best. This movie only confirms that. "The Bullfighters" is a decent entertaining movie but it's lacking in anything refreshing or magical, like in all of the other earlier movies always was the case.It's probably true that Laurel & Hardy should had stopped before the '40's. After that their humor became outdated, less original and it didn't come across as natural but seemed forced instead. It was like Laurel & Hardy were playing a parody of their old selves in that time period. It sounds perhaps a bit too harsh, also considering that their movie from that period were all still pretty entertaining to watch.As a standalone movie, "The Bullfighters" is a pretty decent movie to watch but as a Laurel & Hardy movie, it's a pretty bad one by their standards. The case of mistaken identity in this movie has been handled far better in the past and it doesn't work out halve as hilarious as it could have. The movie is lacking in some good original and refreshing humor and hardly features any slapstick, just some good old tit for tat routines but that really is about all. The movie offers plenty of entertainment but it doesn't all come over as terribly clever or new.The movie its very simple story also doesn't help. The movie also features many characters that hardly serve any purpose in the movie at all and only make the movie unnecessary confusing. The same goes for some needless plot lines, like the boys being two private detectives.The movie does have its good moments and its amusing ending also makes up a lot, although it comes a bit too late to completely make- or save the movie entirely.Too simple and not refreshing enough to really leave a lasting impression but entertaining enough to watch, nevertheless.6/10
Erik-132 Of course, this Laurel & Hardy feature is not another "Way Out West" (1937), but it's still worth watching. Their final Hollywood picture is far better than the other Fox and MGM products that the Boys did in the forties. Despite some boring sequences there is much more room for comedy - and Laurel & Hardy know to use it. Even Stan's make-up, which he was forced to change in the former Fox movies and that made him look much older, resembles his appearance in the old Roach days. One may wonder why producers in the forties after this movie did not realize, that these two genuine clowns had still the power to carry a whole picture. It's always sad to think of the fact, that there was only one more Laurel & Hardy film to be done after "The Bullfighters".
Albert Ohayon A surprisingly fresh little comedy. Laurel and Hardy, in their last American made movie, have made a silly little film with enough story and gags to entertain the little ones and make the adults smile. I have to admit that I laughed out loud at some of the gags. A great moment occurs when the boys are sitting in a hotel lobby near a fountain and Stan decides to "investigate" what a particular faucet is for. Of course Ollie gets sprayed, which leads him to think someone sitting next to him is responsible. Unlike some of their other later films, the duo's comic timing is very sharp here. The whole bit about Stan resembling a famous matador has been done before(and since), but if you don't think about it too much the film is pleasant enough. I give it six bullfighters out of ten.