The Brotherhood IV: the Complex
The Brotherhood IV: the Complex
PG-13 | 01 March 2005 (USA)
The Brotherhood IV: the Complex Trailers

Lee Hanlon, the smartest student at an elite military school called the Complex, is intrigued by the academy's Black Skulls brotherhood but finds himself thrust into the role of global savior when he discovers their devilish origin.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
slayrrr666 "The Brotherhood IV: The Complex" is a slightly more enjoyable entry in the series.**SPOILERS**At the Port Nathan Naval Academy, Lee Hanlon, (Sebastian Gacki) finds that roommate Robert Severin, (Brody Harms) is also familiar with a secret society that was started on the base. When Captain Arabella Morrissey, (April Telek) finds that cadet Victor Thanos, (Graham Kosakoski) is behind the society, known as The Black Skulls, they decide to hold an inquiry into the situation, and when he is recruited to join the society, he discovers that the society is actually a group that dates back hundreds of years that are a secret coven of demons that use their powers to help those who get in their way. When he realizes that there's a deeper reason why he was chosen to join in, he takes it to the superior's only for his story to be laughed at and forcing him to go at it alone in stopping their reign of terror.The Good News: There was some good stuff in this one when it counted on it. There's a really great ability of the film to be able to make sure that the guys in this film are presented more in a sexual light than the women are. There's plenty of useless, throwaway scenes of the men in here running around topless or in their underwear, which is usually the type of tactic that is reserved for women in these films, and there's some good stuff to go around for this. This most flagrant of this is the bathing sequence, where after taking a long soak in a hot-tub, the guy goes off into the shower and washes off, and the long, slow pans over everything that's visible only reinforce this view even more. There's also the fact that the film's manages to make the mystery about what's happening feel really good and worrisome, which is normally one way or the other. Here, it takes a while to finally catch on, which results in many instances of there being something really weird happening that doesn't have much sense for it. There's some fun to be had from the mystery of the society, and these are well-done and interesting for once, making it stand out even more and provides a lot of good scenes. This one also plays up the Gothic atmosphere as well, with the cave hideout, skull-and-bones imagery and the sequences there are plenty fun and actually creepy. There's also the film's really fun climax, which is really great. There's a fun, energetic and gory brawl with the guys, the perfect resolution to the mysteries with a nice twist and a great feeling of excitement when it's all going on. It's one of the best things about the film, along with the film's lone sex scene, which is a little erotic and definitely a little out-there but still fun and enjoyable. That alone sums up the film as a whole.The Bad News: This one did have a few problems with it. The main one is that there's a ton of scenes that also go on a lot longer than they should've been. Far too often, there's really just no reason why the sequence takes up a huge chunk of time, but for some reason, there is. This is mostly present in the sexuality issues, but just about most of the action scenes here are like that, and don't do themselves too much good in the long haul. It really should've had some cutting on these to help it out a little more and not make those scenes feel like they were going on for a near-eternity. There's also the film's almost complete-dryness that is exhibited. The couple kills in here are not the kind that produce anything close to the bloodshed that is required for a story like this. It needed any amount of blood in this to be able to showcase how terrifying and imposing as a society they are, which is another factor that they needed to be able to get over a little more. The last flaw to this is the uncomfortableness some might have with the film's frank portrayal of men as sexual objects. Rather than doing this for women, it does the same tactic for men, and because it's so different than the norm, it can be something that is new and a little off-putting for some, even though it's not a complete detriment and doesn't hurt the film at all like the others do.The Final Verdict: This one was actually pretty entertaining and comes off as the best one of the series, which really isn't saying a whole lot. Give it a shot if you're into the general style, the rest of the series or are in the mood for a more homosexual experience, while those who can't get around that are urged to seek caution.Rated R: Violence and Language
ApolloBoy109 But that's because they're not the market David is trying to reach. He's trying to reach me and my friends. Slow walks in white boxer briefs across a gym in blue lighting. Boys at an academy. I think Mr. DeCoteau must have a good experience in his teens at a boys school. Midnight hot tub fun in wet dripping white boxer briefs. Yum. These films are for men who like men in danger and who are half dressed. Cool. Straight boys have T & A and we have David DeCoteau. The gentleman is getting better and better at making these types of films. His style continues to get risker, and risquer. The story lines are also more interesting, but I think style is what attractions, young gay men who want to giggle at the pseudo horror angle. And what the hell is wrong with young, hot men in white boxer briefs. Nothing! I loved it when the bad dude, Victor, thrusts his pus into the "new kid's" face. It's all fun and provocative. Near the end of the film -- all the boys are on the bed (with the token fat chick) and Victor slowly undresses the good guy -- the music, the camera work - it's all very hot. What with the bad guys in their black boxer briefs and the good guys are in their -- well, you know. Enjoy!
undeadmachine669 David Decotau is a competent director. He has directed numerous Full Moon pictures like Puppet Master and Shrieker under pseudonyms. Those were both good films. However, his homosexuality seems to be his main motive for directing these days, and young buff guys in their boxer briefs seem to be his major visual reference. This is all fine and well, but he disguises these films as teen horror movies, not unlike Scream, and packages them the same. A typical straight male is not going to enjoy this type of movie, unless he is hiding something! I am getting sick of Mr. Decotau's films. They are polluting movie shelves and, quite or not, are really bad movies. This man ran out of steam long before Full Moon ran out of business. He must be stopped!
xindi005 I have seen several of David Decoteu's films, many of them were from the BROTHERHOOD series. Though they are definitely not something I would pay money at the theater to see, they are not horrible(trust me, I have seen worse movies caring the name: horror). I would have to say they are creative.The S/F/X are not exactly top-notched, but they are decent for B-type movies. However, the light shows are not the reasons why many people watched the movies, it's the characters and the way they are shown.The actors that Decoteu picks for his movies can I say...very attractive in more than the professional way. They are shot in ways that would be classified as provocative and teasing. This movie stays with that tradition-especially during a shower scene; I started to feel sorry for the guy in that scene. I don't normally look at another guy's body but he was....very well toned and it was a pity that what happened to his character happened. The director also does some very long shots on showing their bodies. Basically scanning every inch, from some very well defined legs to very toned abs and chests. None of these guys are nude in his movies(except for one), but there is so much emphasis on the male form and the ways that they are shown that one would almost say that they are.To make this jumble of paragraphs mean something, I will end it with this. If you are looking for big budget movies with well-known actors and big S/F/X, look somewhere else. But if you are looking for a decent movie with some very attractive guys who are in great shape, with a decent story plot, then this is the one for you. You can see these currently on HERETV. Some can be rented as well(for the non-satellite watchers). So, make your own decision. Later.