The Brink
The Brink
| 11 December 2006 (USA)
The Brink Trailers

Thomas Alva Edison died on October, 1931, but not before completing his greatest invention; a device for talking to the dead. Thought to be lost forever, Megan Goss, a gifted engineering student, tracks down the legendary blueprints. She rallies a group of friends to build it in a dilapidated house. What she doesn't tell the others is that this house has a history steeped in blood. A family brutally killed one another within its walls, and now that evil force lies in wait for someone to breach the tenuous membrane between worlds. Four students will learn some things are better left unknown when the flip of a switch frees a terror that forces them to the brink... and beyond.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Michael Ledo Four college kids from an unnamed college (Miskatonic?) obtain the prints for Thomas Edison's ghost radio. They set the machine up in a creepy old house (electric still being on) to contact the spirits.The film was short and low budget. It reminded me of other science fiction low budget films which smartly utilized few actors, one space to shoot, and limited props. Better dialogue could of helped. Not a bad film, just not particularly overly entertaining.Guide F-word. Brief nudity (Catherine Barlow)
Chris Mackey (guestar57) The BRINK A Ben Cooper film Starring Rachel Balzer and Mitch Toles Very scary film, Great acting and just looked good. Any project that uses Thomas Edison in a horror plot, Hey, where could they go wrong. There is be-headings, Multiple drownings and some truly shocking scenes. Script was by John Bowker and Cooper. Rachel Balzer is very good,Almost a Winona Ryder from Beetlejuice/Wednesday from the Munsters take. That Mitch Toles,He works a lot must be talented, Huh ! I keep looking on Ebay for one of these Edison " Talk To The Dead " phones, No luck yet. The shocker could be "HEY",Was this like Sam Raimi's Evil Dead or James Cameron's Titanic ?
HumanoidOfFlesh A back of my DVD proudly claims:a brilliant engineering student named Megan sets out to find the blueprints for the device that Thomas Edison completed right before his death;a device for talking to the dead.She assembles a group of friends to help her build it in a dilapidated house,never sharing with them the history of the building;a family brutally murdered one another within its walls years ago and they're just itching for a trip back to the other side.The device they put together allows that trip to happen and a very disturbed evil finds its way to our world."The Brink" is a watchable indie horror flick with some idiotic moments and pretty strong acting.The budget is tiny,the plot is routine and there is a minimal amount of blood.Worth a rental but nothing more.
julian kennedy The Brink: 3 out of 10: The Brink is competently lensed by Benjamin Cooper and features a pretty good performance by supporting player Heather Chase as well as decent performances by the rest of the cast. For a low budget movie this looks pretty good.The only problem is that it has the pacing of Manos Hands of Fate and the dialogue of a public service announcement.The movie's plot is that of a young obsessed girl who tracks down lost plans to Thomas Edison's spirit radio. Does she auction them off for millions and retire happy in her youth? Nah. She gets a few friends together and decides to build it in a spooky abandoned house. (No points for guessing that the house is haunted and if you can't guess she is obsessed with this house in particular the scripts over the top foreshadowing will definitely clue you in.) This set up easily takes half the film. And since by definition nothing scary can happen till the ghost radio is turned on it is extremely pedestrian. (The non-natural verbiage these poor actors are forced to say makes the proceedings drag even more) Of course no one informed the script of this obvious fact so we are treated to endless scenes of people unloading the car while the soundtrack warns of impending doom. I'm still not sure what horrible fate the filmmakers thought we would imagine happening between the car trunk and the kitchen table.The ghosts do show up eventually and honestly except for a sad Andrea Yates style scene at the end they are neither scary nor impressive.The film does seem confused by its own plot at times. (The main character refers to her little brother and finds a doll she used to have yet in flashbacks she is clearly an infant. You're opening a valuable suitcase on the side of a busy highway why? You bring extra fuses for a house you have never been to but you don't bring fuses for the machine you built?) Plus you really can't talk to the dead with a regular ghost radio. What you need is a ghost CB radio. That would rule.